Saturday, July 25, 2009

Malaysia, A Better Tomorrow

These are what Malaysian hope for their country’s tomorrow:

1. Open policies that create an environment for the people to fully express their potential; meanwhile, a policy that could help in economical and educational sector, regardless of race. It will assure the weaker group in both sectors to achieve certain competitiveness.

2. The government should put in more effort in regulating corruption within both government and private organizations due to the worsen scenario in the country. A less corrupt environment will create a clean and modest society which will further lead to a higher trustworthy amongst the people to the government.

3. Leaders of the government executive needed a big change, a revolution, and, if necessary, a thorough transformation to serve the people unlimitedly.

4. Govern with maturity and ethicality as the two fundamental guides.

5. A highly transparent public governing system.

6. Multicultural and multilingual as the nation’s globalize economy core.

7. A safe and politically stable society.

8. Carry on the 5 Principles that govern Malaysia which provide the authority on mother-tongue education, freedom in choosing religions, and respecting the Bumiputras right.

9. Do not view the country’s racial population as a threat to any certain race. Instead, sees it as a normal phenomenon because rights of certain race are already been protected by the constitution.

10. Replace the media reporting system from point of view by “language and race” based to “one nation one voice” based, which is to “similarize” the report to support the country’s new policy.

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