Monday, September 28, 2009

Wud Malaysia Like Philippines One Day ?

I used to visit Philippines from 1996-2004 for business trips. I quite like Philippines those days and saw the "hope" for this country once in those period. Especially during President Ramos regime, every thing seemed going good for this Asean country.

We had had good biz volume export to this country which was lacking of capital intensive made products. Malaysia enjoyed the fine days with this "revived country" by seeing the capable President, democracy, freedom of speech.

Even Fedex put up their Asia transition hub here, Malaysian traders were marching in to set up their sales network to enjoy the prosperity.

With good biz reason , I stayed in 5-Star Diamond Hotel or Shangri-la in Makati from time to time those days. I was once escaped a "Army Cool" just after I left Makati in the morning where the "taken over" of the building which was just next to the hotel in the evening of the day itself.

To me, Filipinos are the good looking people in Asia and they are talented.

Unfortunately, good time did notlast long. Towards the post period of matured term of President Ramos, the country was start shaking.

People realised that the corruption started to get place as before again.

Filipinos have always had such saying " The Leaders Steal Money ...steal the country money."

Ever since, this country situation getting worse to worst with bad guy Estrada evolved as corrupt President.

We do not see Philippines Storm 2009 as simple as our Johor flood years ago.

We should see this country her corruption issue, the "thousand-island" country has been going down the drain ever since.

Biz from peak and rolling down to the cliff year after year.

FDI pulled out, businessmen returned to their homeland like Malaysian.

Obviously our biz has dropped significantly till today and see no sign of recovery at all.

The failure of Philippines mostly could be :

1. very very corrupt public system;
2. incapable of country leaders;
3. over-populated;

Now, Philippines has only the edge left ie. "Export of Human Resource" as the main income of the country.

If Malaysia does not determine to curb the corruption ; failure in the delivery of public system, incompetance leaders; today we are sort of watching the episod of Philippines, we would be Starring in such cruel situation one day!

Then, we have to offer our human energy in the exchange of living ?!

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