Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Majlis Berbuka Puasa Bersama Pemuda BN

Utusan Malaysia 10.9.09

We are happy and proud to be the invited guests of the "Majlis Berbuka Puasa Bersama Pemuda BN" organised by MIC Youth on 9.9.09 at Legend Hotel, KL.

BN Youth : - Chief YB Khairy Jamaluddin, Sec. Gen En. Megat Firdaus , Deputy Chiefs T. Mohan, Lim Si Pin, Datuk Reezal Merican, Strategist Neil Foo and Excos.

This was the first ever Muslim celebration organized by MIC ( Malaysia India Congress) Youth Wing for such meaningful 1Malaysia spirit festive sharing celebration.

YB KJ suggested in his speech, UMNO, MCA, MIC and the rest of the component members can organize cross culture activities.

He also gave the opinion as : "Kadang- kadang kita terlupa mungkin semasa ingin mempertahankan kepentingan agama dan bangsa sendiri, kita tidak sedar tindakan kita itu membuat bangsa lain terluka hati. "

He also wants Pemuda BN to be sensitive enough of everyone feeling.

Everyone from the multi-ethnic has had good moment sitting to dine together and exchange views.

Of course, BN brothers are concerning MCA's EGM and MIC's party election. That were part of the major topics of chat.

We can see BN Youth spirit are getting their cohesion with all these heart-to-heart activities and sharing of thought and comments together these days.

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