Wednesday, September 30, 2009

马华断层(4) - 口齿不清当道!

马华特大不设“演讲”, “辩论”, 难道两派都没有了人才,后续无人, 马华再断层 ?

还是口齿不清, 思路漠糊者为众 ?


有者看上去“一片空白, 仰天长思,蒙查查”,


还是搞不出4个字,8个字的经典之说 ?


今早翘工观看凤凰台的中国国庆典礼, 转道至CCTV英文台, 惊见四个中国人在国庆清谈节目里以“英语”交谈。。。。

这种情景在海外华人中司空见惯, 但在中国人“发生此事”是“中国捷起”的像征。

人家说的是“美语或英语”, 我们说的是“硬语”。




海外华人占光了, “占光之人”也需一样付出代价。
我称占马荷加尼同胞同志为“大马第一手兼第一嘴"的又另一个中国国庆杰评佳作, 也是“师奶杀手”尼胞写着 :
“。。不过, 偷偷告诉大家, 我个人最欣赏的是巾帼英雄, 中国女兵果然艳丽无比, 魅力无法挡。
女战士们身高1米69, 不高一公分, 不矮一公分,可能大腿的长度都统一, 所以, 每跨出一步,落点精准无比。
世界上没有第二个国家, 可以找出这么多身材表准, 脸蛋标致的女性同胞。。。。”


Tuesday, September 29, 2009


到目前可影响马华党争的五股势力 :

第一股势力 :当权派

第二股势力 :挑战派

第三股势力 :新势力, 老势力

第四股势力 :媒体

第五股势力 :赌盘

Monday, September 28, 2009

Astro Awani TV Talk Show "Power Sharing"

Date : 25.9.09

Host : Samsul

Speakers : Datuk Rahman, Neil Foo

Wud Malaysia Like Philippines One Day ?

I used to visit Philippines from 1996-2004 for business trips. I quite like Philippines those days and saw the "hope" for this country once in those period. Especially during President Ramos regime, every thing seemed going good for this Asean country.

We had had good biz volume export to this country which was lacking of capital intensive made products. Malaysia enjoyed the fine days with this "revived country" by seeing the capable President, democracy, freedom of speech.

Even Fedex put up their Asia transition hub here, Malaysian traders were marching in to set up their sales network to enjoy the prosperity.

With good biz reason , I stayed in 5-Star Diamond Hotel or Shangri-la in Makati from time to time those days. I was once escaped a "Army Cool" just after I left Makati in the morning where the "taken over" of the building which was just next to the hotel in the evening of the day itself.

To me, Filipinos are the good looking people in Asia and they are talented.

Unfortunately, good time did notlast long. Towards the post period of matured term of President Ramos, the country was start shaking.

People realised that the corruption started to get place as before again.

Filipinos have always had such saying " The Leaders Steal Money ...steal the country money."

Ever since, this country situation getting worse to worst with bad guy Estrada evolved as corrupt President.

We do not see Philippines Storm 2009 as simple as our Johor flood years ago.

We should see this country her corruption issue, the "thousand-island" country has been going down the drain ever since.

Biz from peak and rolling down to the cliff year after year.

FDI pulled out, businessmen returned to their homeland like Malaysian.

Obviously our biz has dropped significantly till today and see no sign of recovery at all.

The failure of Philippines mostly could be :

1. very very corrupt public system;
2. incapable of country leaders;
3. over-populated;

Now, Philippines has only the edge left ie. "Export of Human Resource" as the main income of the country.

If Malaysia does not determine to curb the corruption ; failure in the delivery of public system, incompetance leaders; today we are sort of watching the episod of Philippines, we would be Starring in such cruel situation one day!

Then, we have to offer our human energy in the exchange of living ?!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

"Perayaan Tanglung 1Malaysia Bandar Tun Razak 2009"

活动 :“敦拉萨镇1Malaysia 2009 中秋晚会“
宗旨 :
主催 :马华敦拉萨镇区会主催, 主办:马青敦拉萨镇区团
日期:3/10/2009 (星期六),时间:7.00 pm – 10.00 pm地点:金鱼村民众草场
开幕人 :文化,艺术及通讯部副部长YB王赛芝(暂定)


-“Perayaan Tang Lung 1Malaysia Bersama Rakyat ,Bandar Tun Razak 2009”
- Masa / Tempat : 3hb Oct 2009, 7pm-10pm, Padang Orang Awam Taman Ikan Emas
- Penganjur : Pemuda MCA BTR
- Pegerusi Majlis Merangkap Pemangku Pegerusi MCA BTR : Chiew Leng Kheng, JP
- Pegerusi Pengelola Merangkap Ketua Pemuda MCA BTR : Neil Foo
Rakan –rakan Pengelola :
Ketua Pemuda UMNO W P/ BTR - En. Rizalman
Ketua Pemuda MIC WP- En. Patma
Ketua Pemuda MIC BTR- En. Kanan
- Kehormat Merasmikan : YB Heng Sai Kee ( Timbalan Menteri Penerangan, Komunikasi, Keseniaan & Kebudayaan)

2. Meraikan perayaan kebudayaan bersama Rakyat BTR dan NGOs;

3. Memupuk semangat 1Malaysia – mengeratkan hubungan and muhibah ;

4. 1Malaysia – Pemuda BN secara amnya dan Pemuda BN WP secara khasnya sebagai model untuk negeri lain ( Dialog, Kebudayaan dan sebagainya)

5. Pemimpin Pemuda BNWP secara VIP and rakan- rakan Pengelola untuk activity ini

6. Atur- cara ( Lagu 1Malaysia, Tanglung Mengeliling


2009-09-27 10:18







Thursday, September 24, 2009

Mayday, Mayday !


(9月24日 傍晚 7点32分Malaysiakini)

“已经获准成立的大马人民力量党(Parti Makkal Sakti Malaysia)将在下个月10日正式推介,首相纳吉将是推介礼上的特别嘉宾,显示这个新印裔政党与国阵的关系密切。
如果经济政策可以开放, 社会可以乐一乐, 希望“搞的更开”,
那么, 盟友政策也可能开放哦, 到时失意党员及华社, 是乐还是被勒 ?
再如果所谓的“华人新党论”属实或雷同巧合, 那么大家好自为知,
人家来茨场街, 来秋杰路, 忘了通知你,
有一天, 忘了派你上阵, 别怪了, 因为你自负而没自强过,
一万个理由合理化特大, 是你上或是你留- 相互取代又如何,
我还是坚持“争议性的。。。 不能领导的, 都必须。。爹。。走 !!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


如果, 首相那吉把国阵成员马华党争及国大党权利转移搞定, 把内部问题在2009年里解决, 预料首相将在2010年“全面拼经济”。

近来各种消息及报告, 世界经济已进入谷底, 等待反扑。

人们已厌卷无谓的政治斗争, “经济”, “数字”是我们要的 KPI !

以下的数据是一个目标, 是我们的期望, 人民安居乐业的指标。

印尼, 越南, 中国, 印度在领先。。。

大马持续型的政乱, 贪腐将牺牲我们这一代。

10。10 的了决, 希望马华自强。。。新认同的领袖必须朝大方向走。

少听少读那些“纸上客”,“文棍”为了骂而骂, 不懂的经济发展的迫却型 !


- 政府的5年發展計劃,第十大馬計劃預料會在2010年公佈,並在2011年啟動,

- 由於財政赤字,不排除一些大型計劃會交由政府相關企業(GLC)負責,

- 一些第9計劃也會展延至第十計劃進行,主力會放在東馬的主要基建工程。



- 第十大馬計劃會有685億令吉的發展計劃會出爐,2010年的建築業的前景會更為亮麗。


- 明年發展開銷為585億




Signal Of Economic Recovery For 3rd Qtr 2009

1. There are more and more reports and signals to show the recovery of the economy begin from 3rd qtr of 2009.

Thing is looking good for 2010 ahead and we are experiencing the "bottom out" effect now seeing the festive demand coming towards end of 2009 and early 2010 such as X-Mas, New Year, Chinese New Year !

2. Malaysian realises that we need to learn Branding Management from China counterpart. Even though China development is much later than Malaysia but the Branding Awareness and Management is much more advance and effective than us.

Yet, Branding is not always "Expensive" if you do know the philosophy !

Overview Report of furniture market in China :-

Latest statistics released by China National Light Industry Information Centre show that for the period January – July 2009 China’s total export of furniture fell by 9.45 percent in value to US$14.4 billion compared to a year earlier, of which wooden furniture fell 1.82 percent to US$379.9 million due to weak demand from the Euro Zone, US and Canada.

On the other hand, China’s total import of furniture fell by 8.64 percent in value to US$678.2 million compared to a year earlier, of which wooden furniture fell 4.8 percent to US$134.2 million despite a pickup for mid-range furniture in second/ third-tier cities as a result of the central government’s stimulus package to boost domestic consumption.

The Chinese domestic market has become more competitive as many local furniture companies, including export-oriented ones, have turned to tap on the domestic market aggressively, which carries significant growth potential.

§ Some Malaysian exhibitors feedback that they exhibited in the show to learn from the Chinese counterparts how to they do brand building and to identify areas for collaboration to penetrate the Chinese domestic as well as international markets.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Democratic Progress = Havoc ?

We just saw the photo of Zhang Jemin 2 days ago in the newspaper about his appearance in the public for China independant day activity.
We almost forgot these great leaders Zhang Jemin and Zhu Rong Ji who were No. 1 & 2 of China country leaders at one time.
They have contributed swiftly to the peace and economic development of this "Awakening Dragon".
Zhu was famous for his will to curb corruption with his famous saying " I have prepared many coffins for those corrupts and reserve 1 for me too just in case ...."
After they stepped down with very organised transition of power to the successor Hu Jing Tao and Wen Jia Bao, China is still progressing very well with its high ecomic growth and general piece of this most populated country.
Would democratic system is absolutely better than socialist ?
Or , with the feature of China way of socialist system with certain kind of liberisation is more suitable to Asia countries ?
Look at the trouble Taiwan, Thailand and even now Malaysia with so called democratic progress, the first most scared away is the FDI ( foreign direct investment) to these countries at the moment.
Look at our MCA which I believe to be most liberal in its party system among the component parties, we have had the EGMs since the party founder time Tun Tan Cheng Lok until today.
Ong Ka Ting time was avoided simply because of his early retirement taking responbility to the failure of 308 general election. Otherwise, it was not surprised to have some kind of EGM.
We salute to the present China system which their focus is for economic progress and piece.
Malaysian, let cut down our quarrel and move forward !

Durian, You Are Weird , Mate !

UK tourist web has recently announced the 10 Most Weird Food In The World.

Congratulaiton, our brother Durian is choosen as Top 5 Most Weird Food in the world.

The reason being picked due to it stinko character.

The report said people either love the durian smell or hate it.

Hey , what not we quickly go and "Patent It" or claim it as "Malaysia Origin" ?

Not a bad idea ha !

Singaporean will not complain...I think.






Monday, September 21, 2009


(20日讯)马青策略研究局主任符策勤不赞成马新两国以任何形式如“原产发源地”或“专利权”的方式为 “饮食文化“做出保护或占为己有。

自我设限的“美食文化”只有弊没有利, 因为专利将会阻碍有关美食的发展及普及化。
美国的汉堡包, 意大利的面条, 法国的面包, 日本的寿司等的食品,这些发达国家不曾替这些美食文化申请任何国家专利(除了品牌专利)。但是, 这些饮食文化已经传遍全世界各个角落。 其中一个元素是“国大民强”, 除了出口商品, 技术等, 这些国家也间接输出“饮食文化”, 世人崇拜及愿意追随有关的美食。

符氏再举例, 我们每天所穿的衬衫, 也是西方产物, 西方人不曾为它申请任何“原产地”专利。今天,西方衬衫已经成为世人的衣着, 只因为它“方便,实际, 好看。。”。

符策勤也是前全国海南联合会青年团经济局主任,不赞同将“海南鸡饭”专利化;反之, 无疆界及无设限的“饮食文化”国际化营销法, 将让有关的美食百花齐放, 让世人品尝。同时, 他引述“你知道海南岛也有类似大马的“九成糕”吗?那么, 九成糕的原产地始于那里?”

符策勤也认为, 业者应该把饮食业6化即是“概念化”;“卫生化”;“制度化”;“品牌化”;“连锁化”及“国际化”向世人推广及发扬大马饮食。 而不是以封锁的方式, 闭门造车推广国家产业。

符策勤也希望有关当局可以以更多的鼓励及奖励方式, 全方位 大势发展大马美食 !

2009-09-18 16:17




























Friday, September 18, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya

I wish all Malaysian " Selamat Hari Raya"


do enjoy your 1Malaysia holidays.


今天从报章阅读有关新加坡学者“议论” 有关新马两地美食专利。

海南鸡饭(有人影射调侃南海鸡饭:后话), 肉骨茶, 力沙 等是否属于新加坡或大马美食专利。

这类论述是绝对“肤浅, 短视, 无知, 纸上谈兵”的纯学者论 !

我胆敢说他们都不着实际, 零商业头脑。

请问大国美国, 法国, 意大利, 日本, 每天,每刻都向世界在输出“食的文化”,有申请任何专利吗 ?

除了品牌专利,要发扬某族或某国度的美食, 专利会阻挠发展。

美食越容易得手, 越受欢迎, 越有人品赏。

外国人来新马的确想要试道地美食, 但是他们回国后, 不见得会再寻找新马美食了。

除非新马是大国, 拥有出口“美食文化”的魅力和能力。

那么专利就便成无力也无利 !!

Astro Awani Talk Show

The In Frame talk show on Astro Awani last nite was showing other topic of discusion. "Power Sharing" could be next week. Awaiting the producer to inform. Sorry for the information.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

纳吉与国阵, 谁的名望高 ?


2009-09-15 09:45















二合一马华特大已决定在“三十”- 10月10号10点召开。

之前, 坊间大谈第三股“新”势力崛起。

现在, 新的论述提起另类第三股势力抬头的可能性 - “老”势力, 老领导回锅, oops.. 对不起, 用词不当, 应该是老领导回巢。


来一个“堂堂正正做人, 清清白白做官,轻轻松松踩踏”


新势力 - 新领导被认为少一些争议, 多一些期望。

老势力- 旧领导在位时, 赞褒不一, 具争议性, 回巢不易。


为了两全其美,也不是又把种留下。。九个月以后, 再开特大。

“现在, 人人都可开特大, 年年都可开特大”。

Ulat 国家害群之虫

我刚从曼谷出差回国, 最近频密的出入机场, 发觉到一直以来我各人所关注的事情得到正视。


好多年, 我非常怨烦霸王的士佬在机场大厅招客。

我一般都不理睬或瞪白眼于这些被比喻为“下衰国人,蒙羞国家”而且拥有《蠕虫〉ULAT 之称的下人 !


我在中国, 菲律宾等的机场经常遇到这种罢王的士。

如果碰上这种《ULAT>, 初到贵境的乘客或稍微放松的老客, 都会被宰, 被骗, 被带去游车河- 车费翻几倍。

确实, 大马已发生了好久。

这两个星期, 因出入了机场五次之多, 发觉JPJ终于有做工了, 设路障“抓虫”。

据我常用司机说,设路障以后, 合法的士一天多了300趟载客量。
意味着, 每一名司机多了一趟的载客量。

如果一天多300 趟 x RM70/趟X 30天 X 12个月 =RM7,560,000 /年!

合法司机多出 :RM70/趟 X 30 天 = RM2,100/月, 养家活口, 赞 !!!

JPJ 再接再励。

现在, 机场一股清新, 少了“虫”味。

但是, 我还是有发觉一个半个带着机场工作牌的可疑人物与客人打眼色。


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Astro Awani Talk Show

Please watch Astro Awani Channel 501 on 18/9/09 11.30pm for the talk show of "Power Sharing" .

Guest Speakers : Datuk Raman Dahlan , Neil Foo

Monday, September 14, 2009

Who Is Poorer ?

A. Do you know that the property value in Hanoi, Vietnam ?

1,000 sf condominium :

1. was valued at RM250,000 in 2007 = RM250/sf
2. is valued at RM500,000 in 2009 = RM500/sf

No facilities like swiming pools.... and lease hold

B. Do You know that the property value in Shanghai, China ?

600 sf flat :

1. was valued at RM125,000 in 2004 = RM208/sf
2. is valued at RM250,000 in 2009 = RM416/sf

Walk up flat

C. Do you know that the property value in KL, Malaysia ?

100sf apartment, now valued at RM160,000 = RM160/sf with swimming pool

3 storey terrace house 3000sf , now valued at RM450,000 = RM150/sf with land on your feet


D. Do you know the petrol prices ?

China = RM3/liter, Vietnam = RM2.5/liter

Malaysia = RM1.90/liter



Business Monopoly

I was in Mid Valley shopping centre yesterday and passed by X-Cut.

X Cut is a new business concept providing speedy hair cut service idea originated from Japan.

Now, this concept is mushrooming in Malaysia.

While watching the operation of this business, all of the sudden, I recalled the dialog between Datuk Wee Ka Siong with 4Bs and Sahabat NGOs couple of months ago.

There was one participant asking that many business in Malaysia is predominantly occupied by Chinese. Other races have no chance to enter or access into these business chain.

Such view was really pushing me to think deeply about so-called traditional business being monopolized by certain race.

X Cut pushed me to think again !

It inspired me if traditional business could not be penetrated easily by other groups, then for such new business of X Cut, everyone and every group is "on your mark" - "set"- "bang" - ie all are from same starting block.

Therefore, for business, creativity and innovation and determination are required.

There are limitless of opportunity out there if you think , if you act !

If Kopitiam concept is sweeping the market, why no one is developing " Nasi Lemak Shop", "Lontong Concept" business chain. There is no hindrance to enter the market by any ethnic group.

In Mid Valley, we see Chinese selling Malay kuih-muih by paying small stall rental approx. RM7000 per month.

There is no hindrance, brother !

Hindrance exists when we do not innovate.



很好, 不噜唆,就来个了断吧。

有你没有我的议案, 干脆又俐落。

胜者没有秋后算账的理由, 败者没有捣局的藉口。

唯有马华的存亡的理由 !

谢绝逢总会长必倒的诉求, 逢时又来救党的乱人士的出现。

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mother Of Yes Man ?

蔡细历认为马华党争为 :

中央代表选出的领袖 vs 获得受委领袖围绕的总会长之间的斗争。

(Mother of Yes Man)。

我认同老蔡否定身边的人及支持者成为“Mother of Yes Man".

那么, 老蔡身边的人都是“Mother of No Man " ?

他真的可以容纳不同的意见 ?

我发觉到, 这么多年来, 逢党争, 挑战派或外界都认为当权派领袖身边的人都上标为Yes Man.

支持挑战派的就是有想法,有个性, 有正义的一群, 敢说NO的烈士云云。。

好吧, 我们就支持挑战派,那么我们也应该符合Say No 的条件。

好像老蔡在前几次的党争, 不知道是“当权派”或是“挑战派”的哩 ?


不对 ? 请讲 !不要当 Yes Man 喔.

MCA & MIC - Problematic Brothers

MCA's sacked Deputy President Dr. Chua Soi Lek has admitted that MCA is virtually abandoned by Chinese society.

He reviewed that since March 8 defeat of Barisan Nasional (BN) and the continuous fallen of 8 out of 9 by elections, this is the result of paradigm shift of Chinese votes against BN.

According to Dr. Chua, MCA is no longer relevant to Chinese society.

In reference to PM's comment in MIC general assembly 2 days ago, PM has given the strong view of " Winning in Party but losing in Society" should be learnt and alerted by all BN component members.

With the major component parties of BN ie. MCA and MIC, if these 2 brothers of UMNO are unable to attract the heart of rakyat, BN and UMNO with it own weakness too will have difficulty in tackling the coming by election Bagan Pinang of N.S.

If the days of MCA and MIC are still struggling with the existing controversial leadership and yet they still believe in their own doing as " Lacking of team work ; Sex Scandal ; Too Long on position and etc., BN will have big hurdle to leap over in the next general election !

I can see the existing MCA and MIC top leadership really need a revival plan start from their No.1 & No.2 as the revolutionary "heads".

BN Youth is waiting for these 2 parties to resolve their internal problems to move on with strategic approach to win the rakyat heart hand-in-hand with the "younger approach" !
Also, " Do Away Ketuanan Melayu" to keep BN in relevant in the whole Malaysia context.
Japan LDP has fallen and Singapore Lee Kuan Yew is getting ready to fall.....BN is not exceptional to fall one day if we continue to slack.
The urgency to ractify BN :
1. Say No To " Ketuanan Melayu"
2. Say No To " Non-Team Work Leader"
3. Say No To " Over- Expired Leader"
3. Say No To " Sex Scandal Leader"

Saturday, September 12, 2009

洗男人头 !

越南的“男女洗发廊”被称“洗男人头” !

党争因“两头相斗”, 大头已把二头洗掉, 特大二头想要洗大头。

哎 !两头都是“二锅头” - 一位是“回锅”, 另一位是背“黑锅” ?!

中央代表可经特大“洗男人头”把“二锅头”一起洗刷掉 ?

至于, 是先拉下再清洗或清洗再拉下, 看看中代是喜好还是智慧来两头决定了。

让新头举起, 再挺进核心。

李敖书里以这一句批判阿扁:“意淫台湾, 挺进中国”。


所以, 中代们,不管你挺谁, 意淫或梦淫都好,大家不要有一天挺进牢的头。


Vietnam The Booming Neighbour

I just got back from my Vietnam business trip today.
Despite the US/Europe recession, Vietnam is basically free from the hit of financial system and depressed of export to USA.
It was the blessing to Vietnam closed financial system free from so-called American innovative financial products.
In regards to the export sector, Vietnam was relatively much lower than China and neighbour countries in term of her volume to USA.
It means that while the world was crying for the crisis months ago, Vietnam with its low profile has been "progressing" as usual.
We can see the mega factory model and booming in luxurious car industry this round.

Vietnam's Saigon "Breaking Rice"

我出入了越南至少一个年代。 在“左眼右眼看华人”一书里, 提起清汤牛肉果条汤是我个人的喜肴。
这一趟胡志明之餐, 尝食了“西贡方块饭”+ 炸猪排 + 腊肠。 此餐是SAIGON 或 胡志明的特产, 如今以概念餐店经营。
来一个:“圆的不能拿 - 海南文昌谭牛鸡饭块”的概念吧 !
我在1998年创出了“GOLF CHICKEN RICE BALL 高尔夫鸡饭粒”概念店. 因此, “赛翁失马”带动造就了马六甲兴起吃“鸡饭粒”的风潮!
钱是没赚到啦, 但那个脑袋有用喔!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Majlis Berbuka Puasa Bersama Pemuda BN

Utusan Malaysia 10.9.09

We are happy and proud to be the invited guests of the "Majlis Berbuka Puasa Bersama Pemuda BN" organised by MIC Youth on 9.9.09 at Legend Hotel, KL.

BN Youth : - Chief YB Khairy Jamaluddin, Sec. Gen En. Megat Firdaus , Deputy Chiefs T. Mohan, Lim Si Pin, Datuk Reezal Merican, Strategist Neil Foo and Excos.

This was the first ever Muslim celebration organized by MIC ( Malaysia India Congress) Youth Wing for such meaningful 1Malaysia spirit festive sharing celebration.

YB KJ suggested in his speech, UMNO, MCA, MIC and the rest of the component members can organize cross culture activities.

He also gave the opinion as : "Kadang- kadang kita terlupa mungkin semasa ingin mempertahankan kepentingan agama dan bangsa sendiri, kita tidak sedar tindakan kita itu membuat bangsa lain terluka hati. "

He also wants Pemuda BN to be sensitive enough of everyone feeling.

Everyone from the multi-ethnic has had good moment sitting to dine together and exchange views.

Of course, BN brothers are concerning MCA's EGM and MIC's party election. That were part of the major topics of chat.

We can see BN Youth spirit are getting their cohesion with all these heart-to-heart activities and sharing of thought and comments together these days.


这一则酒店房间壁上通告, 取自于海南岛某间三星酒店。
有关通告告知房客不需要为“壁虎”为惧, 因为壁虎是热带善良爬虫类。
南方人或热带人如大马人见此通告有点奇怪。 难道这样都不懂 ?
就好像还有很多人都不懂“第一把交椅领袖”必需具备“公德”要求 !
做“第二”的“还可以”有点遐疵, 复职“还可以”啦。
南方热带人与北方冷带人对公德的标准有落差喔 !
执着, 固执, 谜思, 主观, 还是、。。。。。

第三股势力 - 分层

马华党争的第三股势力可进一步分层为 :

1。 "基层"第三股势力 - 中央代表势力非来自于翁或蔡派。 他们属于中立派或老派势力想颠复现有困局;

2。 "领导层"第三股势力 - 各派系都能接受的领导队伍。 可能也来之于中立派或老牌势力乘虚而入。

Strategic Training On 5.9.09

感到欣慰的是,同志们在党面临党争之际, 以党前途及良好学习态度坚持前来向外国老师讨教。

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Thank You Dr. Kau's Photo !

Passing Mandarin Oral Test With Certificate.

党争第四股势力 !

马华党争出现了“第四股势力” - 媒体 !


什么翁派53% vs 蔡派47% ; 什么蔡派已有1200个中央代表签名等。。。


诚如美国奥巴马与希拉里竞选总统侯选人时, 因知名度有逊于前总统夫人,奥巴马支持度落后、但媒体帮了小奥一把, 报道大幅度增加。

主要的原因就是要把彼此支持度拉近, “有竞争, 有看头”,最后报量快速提高 !

第四股势力不容忽视 !

Monday, September 7, 2009

Visit To Hainan Aug/Sep 2009

RMB2700 餐费,大马土包子让大陆同胞宰一轮 !
“不二” - 不要老二 ?