内容簡介 :
~ 本書講述关於居住在不同國度里的华人.
~ 经过上世纪中國人大移民, 世界各角落已有华人的踪迹
~ 海外华人经溶入当地國度,產生特色华人 (不同的特性, 思想, 价值观等等)
~ 中国的经济起飛与全球化的趋式, 海外华人是否能夠踏上这世纪的经济順风車 ?
~ 所謂华人经济圈, 期待中国在其火車頭的角色下怎庅帶領大中华与海外华人塑造民族经济力量
~ 字數 : 十万字
題材特色 :
上半段关於 :
以輕鬆的方式写出来自九國不同的华人特性. 奌出, 揶揄, 講解有关他们的生活习惯, 脾性, 生意手法, 待人接物的態度. 每一个國家有二至三位寫实人物, 道出他们与作者在木板行业里〝交手过〞的点点滴滴. 寫法一針見血道出华人在经过有关当地社会洗礼以後,所展现出〝另類〞华人的特性. 讀者有时觉得抓到痒处享受看别人的事, 有时又觉得好像一面鏡子照着自己.
國家 :中國, 台湾, 香港, 菲律宾, 新加坡, 大马, 泰國, 越南,印尼,
下半段关於 :
~ 中國人大移民潮的回顧;
~ 現今大中华与海外华人的人口结構与经济势力 ;
~ 全球化的概念与東盟 + 中國的倡议;
~ 世界华人经济圈的意识型態;
~ 海外鄉親, 宗親会在华人经济圈可扮演的角色
这一段主要是喚起华人应该利用世界的民族網络, 趁西方忙着剿恐与全球化的趋式, 建立另一股世界经济主導的力量.
~ 本書講述关於居住在不同國度里的华人.
~ 经过上世纪中國人大移民, 世界各角落已有华人的踪迹
~ 海外华人经溶入当地國度,產生特色华人 (不同的特性, 思想, 价值观等等)
~ 中国的经济起飛与全球化的趋式, 海外华人是否能夠踏上这世纪的经济順风車 ?
~ 所謂华人经济圈, 期待中国在其火車頭的角色下怎庅帶領大中华与海外华人塑造民族经济力量
~ 字數 : 十万字
題材特色 :
上半段关於 :
以輕鬆的方式写出来自九國不同的华人特性. 奌出, 揶揄, 講解有关他们的生活习惯, 脾性, 生意手法, 待人接物的態度. 每一个國家有二至三位寫实人物, 道出他们与作者在木板行业里〝交手过〞的点点滴滴. 寫法一針見血道出华人在经过有关当地社会洗礼以後,所展现出〝另類〞华人的特性. 讀者有时觉得抓到痒处享受看别人的事, 有时又觉得好像一面鏡子照着自己.
國家 :中國, 台湾, 香港, 菲律宾, 新加坡, 大马, 泰國, 越南,印尼,
下半段关於 :
~ 中國人大移民潮的回顧;
~ 現今大中华与海外华人的人口结構与经济势力 ;
~ 全球化的概念与東盟 + 中國的倡议;
~ 世界华人经济圈的意识型態;
~ 海外鄉親, 宗親会在华人经济圈可扮演的角色
这一段主要是喚起华人应该利用世界的民族網络, 趁西方忙着剿恐与全球化的趋式, 建立另一股世界经济主導的力量.
Introduction Forwords by : YB Dr. Wee Ka Siong, Mr. Lee Teck Meng As far as the contents and practicality, this book has undoubtedly captured the curiosity of the Chinese readers’ attention. Of course, the credit should be given to the innovative book name literally with the meaning of “ Watch Chinese With Left And Right Eye”. Now, I am pleased to explore the world English reader market in general and Malaysia market in particular with this valued literature. All other race readers in the world will be benefited by understanding more about Chinese from different countries. Feature of the book : To Watch Chinese with “WESET” Approach W = WRITING , E = EAR (HEAR) , S = SEE , E = EAT , T = TRUTH 1. Mainland Chinese - Everything needs to be “big” for promotions 2. Taiwanese - Round the bush and reverse thinking style 3. Hong Konger - Superior pressure syndrome 4. Malaysian - Do not think of danger in times of peace 5. Singaporean – Fear to lose “Kiasu” 6. Filipino - ………… 7. Vietnamese - ………… 8. Thai - ………… 9. Indonesian - …………… Brief Synopsis : Table of Contents :- FOREWORD PREFACE CHAPTER 1 CHINESE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippine, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Japan (Role Model ?) CHAPTER 2 SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CHINESE FROM VARIOUS COUNTRIES Special characteristics of Chinese from around the world- the concept of WESET CHAPTER 3 THE COMPARISON OF CHINESE ECONOMY FROM ALL AROUND THE WORLD 3.1 The Brief History of Overseas Chinese 3.2 The Conditions of Chinese Economy in Various Countries CHAPTER 4 CHINESE IN THE ECONOMIC CYCLE 4.1 The concept of Globalization & SEA + 1 4.2 Scattered Seeds and Chinese Economic Circle 4.3 The Survey of Overseas Chinese Organization 4.4 World Social Gathering & Reality CONCLUSION AFTER THOUGHTS This book is written based on writer’s self experience in 15 years exposure in international business. 1. Title : > 2. Number of Words : 200,000 words 3. Market Need : With the emergence of China and its important economic impact to the world, more people like to learn about not only the mainland Chinese in term of the country, people, culture, business behaviour and etc.., foreign readers like to learn about other Chinese from other countries as well. There is a need for some kind of reading material to equip international businessmen, social workers, students and travellers to enhance their learning perspective about the target learning country ie. Greater Chinese and world Chinese community. The publication will provide readers to understand how different Chinese think, perceive, act and react, eating culture and etc.. In the market, so far, I have not read or encountered any publication like this in sharing “self and live experiences” about the world Chinese community. I believe there is a big gap of needs to be filled in the current avail literature. 4. Market Information : Primary Market :- 1. International Sales and Marketing personnel; 2. International buyers and sourcing personnel; 3. Corporate decision makers taking role in acquisition, merging; 4. Expatriate to Far East workplace; Secondary Market :- Business School Undergraduate; Student Exchange program; Travelers About Author : a. Name = Fu Ce Qin, Mr. b. Age = 40 Years Old ( when English Version was published in 2007) |
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