國內 2010-01-01

國內 2010-01-01 18:03
他坦承,15Malaysia短片褒貶不一,一些短片如《Potong Saga》更引起爭議,但重要的是它引起了輿論,有不同的想法和評論。
莫哈末拉茲蘭就認為,《Potong Saga》和《Halal》雖然觸及宗教課題,但卻也說清非回教徒對於回教的認識不足,並引發一些省思和醒覺,因此他不覺得這兩部短片有何問題。
“反而我認為蔡添強主演的《One Future》有所偏差。事實是我們的政治體系只要沒有蔡添強這樣的政治人物存在,那國家就會更加和諧和安寧。但是短片卻將蔡添強描述成一個受害者,沒有做錯事而被關進扣留所。”
KUALA LUMPUR: The Youth wings of Barisan Nasional component parties are going across racial borders to get closer to the people.
MCA Youth chief Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong said this new approach was necessary for Barisan to stay relevant to the people.
“It is high time we do this. It is not taboo to cross (borders). (Umno Youth chief) Khairy Jamaluddin was arranged by MCA to meet Chinese non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and I have done the same.
“This should be made a regular activity, not just at federal level but also at state level,” he said.
Dr Wee was speaking to reporters after launching a dialogue with directors of the short film project 15Malaysia, which was also attended by MCA treasurer Tan Sri Tee Hock Sing and local Barisan youth leaders from Umno, MIC and PPP.
15Malaysia is a series of short films about Malaysia that were directed by several Malaysian young filmmakers who intended to send anti-racism messages.
Dr Wee said that in the past, Umno was expected to engage the Malay-based youth group Belia 4B, while MCA handled the Chinese NGOs.
“By going across borders, we can understand each other better and close ranks. We compete under the Barisan ticket and in the end we face the voters.
“There is no interference (into other parties). We are open to discussions. We are not by-passing any party,” he said.
MCA Youth chief Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong said this new approach was necessary for Barisan to stay relevant to the people.
“It is high time we do this. It is not taboo to cross (borders). (Umno Youth chief) Khairy Jamaluddin was arranged by MCA to meet Chinese non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and I have done the same.
“This should be made a regular activity, not just at federal level but also at state level,” he said.
Dr Wee was speaking to reporters after launching a dialogue with directors of the short film project 15Malaysia, which was also attended by MCA treasurer Tan Sri Tee Hock Sing and local Barisan youth leaders from Umno, MIC and PPP.
15Malaysia is a series of short films about Malaysia that were directed by several Malaysian young filmmakers who intended to send anti-racism messages.
Dr Wee said that in the past, Umno was expected to engage the Malay-based youth group Belia 4B, while MCA handled the Chinese NGOs.
“By going across borders, we can understand each other better and close ranks. We compete under the Barisan ticket and in the end we face the voters.
“There is no interference (into other parties). We are open to discussions. We are not by-passing any party,” he said.
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