Saturday, August 8, 2009

Likes and Dislikes





We would say all or most non Malay like Yasmin Ahmad because of her openess as Malaysian or 1Malaysia mentality which were very much reflected in her products. But some Malays did not like her for being not Malay enough, not Islam enough as commented in some the local newspapers.

Same as Karim Raslan who is a open Malay intellect writing much wider scope of national interest in his articles is seen to be not pro to his 'puak' enough. His articles are published in Sin Chew Jit Poh every Sunday.

Jamaluddin who speaks very very well Mandarin is the upcoming commentator on print , electronic media as well as guest speaker for many forum....but his fans are from Chinese community. Sure Chinese likes him, worship him, admire him. Likewise, he has a Chinese wife.

What about Professor Khoo Kay Kim ? A non- Mandarin speaking educationist, does the Chinese community like him ? Or, we think that he is not Chinese enough ? Few incident Professor Khoo was in the limelight having been critised by Chinese for certain stand over the community issue ?

Dr. Mohd. Ridhuan Tee Abdullah who has launched the war with Chinese newspapers about his strong critic towards his own race Chinese being Racist and Kiasu. He supports very much of UMNO and Islam and condemn DAP & Chinese community being "biadap" in his Utusan Malaysia articles lately.

Not Malay enough, not Islam enough, not Chinese enough seem like is the 'Zero Sum' game in Malaysia political arena !?