Saturday, August 29, 2009

不谈立场, 只谈前途 !

翁, 蔡派都各谈己见, 各有熊熊的大道理。

好了, 老大老二的撕破脸了, 基层不的不一起起舞。

国阵也好, 包刮我们自己也好,就以印度国大党为例, 三米还在位, MIC 那可能在代表印度社群呢 ?

马华在308输了, 现在又党争, 那么在华社心里, 在国阵眼中, 这两个兄弟还有功能吗。

今天, 如果经特大定下谁被弹劾, 谁被复职。。。真的可以解决吗 ?



为了马华的团结, 为了马华在国阵有功能或RELEVANT,

“和平方案”, 第三股领导实力必需浮现戴领马华恢复元气, 快速在友党中“伟哥功能化”。

我们不要落到像国大党的局面 - 一厥不振 - “举不起来”。

要不然, 就像陈贞禄与林苍佑的斗争,林后来成立反对党赢取槟城政权。

巫统后来邀民政党加入国阵。 从此, 华人分裂, 马华在槟城永不翻身。

无独有偶, 人民行动党是槟城的执政党。


都说了, 巫统与回教党有“知性会谈”的传说。。。

那么, 来一个巫行“适性会谈”总可以吧 ?

同志们, 醒醒吧, 免再看什么连续剧或“赤壁”, 更谢绝模仿。

马华前途更重要 !

不谈立场, 只谈方案 !

蔡细历被开除了以后, 全国震惊; 马华, 华社, 国阵一片华然 !


数个月前,谣传开特大, 当时我认为特大没有很好的理由召开。

这两天, 蔡被开除了, 有理由了 !

那么,如果有人再劝告蔡的支持者不开特大, 那么就太牵强了。

翁总也肯定盘算到这一点 - 绝对的行动, 必有绝对的反弹 !

坊间什至于蔡的支持者说只要不开除, 冻结党籍还可接受。

是吗 ?

所以为马华团结, 我曾建议在没有好的理由, 特大不应该召开。

事到如今, 还可劝什么 ?

现在是所谓立场的斗争, 立场的争辩/辨。。。

老同志开始叹气, 以前党争, 为了“挺领袖”搞到上面动动, 下面痛痛。

最后, 来一个“和平方案”, 上面不动, 下面还是痛痛。

基层吵一世人, 上面排排坐, 吃果果。

以为上一次的党选可以来个了断, 但是问题还在延伸。

好吧, 事情还是必需要一个解决方案, 那么在无奈之下, 特大就特大吧 !

面对它, 就以特大为一个平台吧。

Thursday, August 27, 2009

MCA Controversial - Background

The recent controversial of MCA was due to the Oct 2008 party election and the sex scandal of Chua Soi Lek in end 2007.

The then newly and young team of President Ong Ka Ting and Vice President Chan Kong Choi 'tenure' was short caused by taking responsibility of the failure of MCA in 2008 general election.

After 20 odd years of Ling Liong Sik as the premier of the party, MCA looked good with Ong Ka Ting/Chan Kong Choi fresh blood leadeship with early fifty age.

However, thing did not favour to these 2 chinese educated leaders but they ought to step down.

Apparently, MCA was lack of new leadership because it was broken "just like that and that fast" after the historic down fall of Barisan Nasional in the general election.

Despite the sex scandal, Chua Soi Lek was indeed looked good for the stewardship of the party but sex scandal is still hardly accepted in the world politic.

Look at Clinton who needed 9 months to battle over the Lewinsky case. The recent Obama's wife with short paint for holiday also receive massive and open comment by so called the open mind western world ie. USA.

Chua Soi Lek was however know his situation and disadvantage and stay put in 2nd highest position contest. He was much capable and competence over his contestants Ong Ka Chuan who is "so so" in both public speeking and performance ; Donald Lim who couldn't even talk and very lack of physical appearance despite his "Businessman" image.

Many party members admire Chua Soi Lek charismatic appearance and his iron man image. He won !

Ong Tee Kiat is always famous for his iron man too especially for his track record of exposing the mis-use of public fund. The case like the Pagoh school incident of RM30k became RM3k in which the school contractor cheated on the building material.

So, look like Ong Tee Kiat was the most suitable choice for No. 1 post contesting with Chua Jui Meng who has ever lost his contest with then President Ong Ka Ting 4- 5 years ago. Chua has dent in his popularity and his senior age.

Indeed, I have seen Ong Tee Kiat as fighter rather as leader. Unless fighter like Mahathir knew how to be the leader when given the chance. Ong with his character fighting straight plus he was seen to be Ong Ka Chuan camp, therefore he was perceived to be rival of Chua Soi Lek.

One Tee Keat was not perceived to be the leader qualifier, Chua Soi Lek has big big dent as sex scandal main starring. Therefore, in the versi versa view the both camp supporters have their own ground of arguments and belief.

As I said, 9 months after party election under Ong Tee Keat's leadership , we would see controversial. Sadly and accurately, it is happening now.



猫哭老鼠, 放火加剧特大召开,促使马华更乱。

马华与火箭 - 永远是“零和” !

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Permatang Pasir By Election

It is surprised to hear from the failed BN candidate commented that he has lost Chinese votes.

From the result, we can see BN has gained only 33% compareed to 308 general election of 34%.

So, not much of change of the overall view and Malay votes still remains the same stand and structure over total votes compared to March 8, 2008.

I hope any by election result analysis should not be concluded easily by not looking into the fact and figure.

Do not blame any factor by convenient !

It was regret to read Utusan Malaysia series of report about the race sentiments of the country during this by election.

We are not sure if it was co-incident of the reports but it was a hurt to 1Malaysia spirit.

The fact is the Malay votes is still status quo despite the racist reports.

We hope all medias should cease agressiveness !

不幸言中 !

经蔡细历开除以后, 承如我说过, 翁诗杰当任总会长(10/08)的九个月以后, 将出现“党乱”。 今天是八月, 十个月, 发生了 !

撇开港口事件不谈, 毕竟党是开始乱了, 特大快来了。。

翁, 蔡都是争议性人物, 党争必“四败具伤”- 翁, 蔡, 党, 同志感情破裂 !

支持翁, 蔡都有其理由。

但是党, 同志间破裂就不是好理由。

看来, 马华第三股实力将倔起。

谁能成为择中人选 - 黄燕燕, 廖仲来 ?

马华历来都会乱, 是否马华较民主?较好斗?较好内斗 ?

海南俗语 :


"要怎么做,就怎么做吧 (TAI TO TO, BI TAI TO TO TI) !"

Mighty Singapore

Spent-less Night F1 with lighting and fence up investment only to win world profit

Grandstand for F1

World Branded Hainanese Chicken Rice

I was in Singapore for a day business trip yesterday.
I was the there a year ago the last time.

Singapore is still the mighty Singapore we are seeing.

Despite my comment of Singapore for being a small country where a place only good for working class and limited life space, I have seen their might overcome the challanges all these years.

Singapore has overcome the burst, Asia Crisis, SARS and the recent USA- lead world depression.

With his last but least attempt to overcome the threat to her so-called hight tech IT industry, they have even come out with the idea of "Casino".

We can say Singapore has no choice but to venture into gambling industry.

They are now :

1.Financial hub to replace the function of Switzealand

2. 2 mega Casino

3.Night F1

4. International brands of Hainanese Chicken Rice, Satay and etc..

5. Major refurbishing buildings in Orchard Road to venture into international luxurious brands like LV, Hermes.......

When praised about Singapore, some of the Malaysian and Indonesian have such saying that " Singapore is small therefore they can manage well".

I believe it is more excuse than fact !

Singapore's feature in surviving :

1. Creat things from nothing,

2. Brand it,

3. Effiecient & Effective

Of course, with such cosmopolitan city, Singapore has more "loose attire" in which we can see many "half balls" poping out in front of your eyeballs.....he he !



2009-08-26 19:06




Saturday, August 22, 2009

不被裁员- 50个理由 !











马青与宗乡青决定连手在这非常时刻出版一本以“青年态度” 的书籍-《不被裁员》为时下青年人给予提示,唤醒,及鼓吹提高自身竞争力。与其怨天忧人,让大环境主导前途,不如实行自我检讨、鞭策、积极的面对及克服眼前的难题与困境。





有兴趣者可致电03-8076 7790及游览索取详情。

此书售价为十零吉。(另加邮费每本2零吉=西马, 3零吉=东马)

Week End


除了红酒, 美食,

周末不妨轻松八卦Kit Kat一下 !






今早11。40, 赶赴市区载泰国客人到云顶, 路经隔壁村, 也就是“武吉加里尔”的朱家路口, 正好碰上华仔岳父的出殡。

用手机拍了现场实况。 保镖阻挡摄记, 有几位曾经与我们做过采访, 都认识。

朱家用“雨扇”阵遮挡家族。 我相信华仔应该在BMW里。


华仔做人真幸苦 !

对不起, 这则报告算是八了一下。 应该的啦, 华仔曾经是我的偶像渥。。

Friday, August 21, 2009

不被裁员- 50个理由 !

1. 争取每一个被学术认证的机会。
2. 记得,文凭资格并不是工作的绝对保障
3. 回到基本
4. 注重外观
5. 新鲜人全新的战场
6. 资深员工必须保持年轻心态
7. 你查阅邮件了吗
9. ‘’请您给些意见”
10. 不做隐形人
11. 避免重复犯错,小细节, 大管理!
12. 勇于承担责任
13. 我们被聘来解决问题
14. 20:80 规矩
15. 当个好的‘聆听者’
16. 展现热诚及反应敏捷
17. 不必担忧,常带微笑 !
18. 多做及增加工作角色
19. 启动新任务
20. 企业里创业
21. 牺牲一切为工作
22. 避免病假
24. 提高工作技能,再培训
25. 学习个人理财管理
26. 听取但不参与舆论
27. 不要投诉
28. 不要搞办公室政治
29. ‘拜位’意识
30. 老板,我在这里 !
31. 老板,上司 与 公司
32. 让老板领功
34. 老板怎么看我 ?
35. 了解你的老板在读什么
36. 不要过分突出及曝光
37. 山水有相逢
38. 没有人是不能被取代的,包括创始人
39. 了解及掌握行业的发展
40. 全力以赴及睡好觉
41. 身心健康概念
42. 工余社交活动及愿意助人
43. 辅导师及贵人计划
44. 学习谈判吧!
45. 做好准备
46. 接受扣薪的献议
47. 更新工作履历
48. 国际观及行动,居安思危
49. 你是公司的方案或问题所在
50. 与其成为个犹豫者,不如成为终结者

Thursday, August 20, 2009

You're Not Fired !

Dear Beh,

Thanks for your encouragement all the times.

I will contact with the “Indian friend” -1Malaysia to help me selling the books.

I will post your comment on my blog as appreciation.

Neil Foo

From: Beh [] Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 7:32 PMTo: 'Neil Foo'Subject: Book On Display Suggestion

Dear Neil Foo,

Your ‘You’re Not Fired!’ book is amazing. This is a simple and straight forward reading book but with strong messages for everybody to think and digest.

I will foresee this book will sell very well due to its pricing and contents. I have been buying this kind of book at Indian Restaurants which I think this is one of the distributing channels you can consider.

As a friend I am proud of you on your latest development.

Good luck!

Thank you.

Best regards,
Email : Skype : behkaya
My blog for company's matters :

Monday, August 17, 2009

SPDP Replaces MCA ?

Malysiakini 8月17日 晚上 8点51分





SPDP has confirmed that they are ready to expand their political ground in West Malaysia to give the choice for Chinese voters. This statement has been made by controversial Tiong (SPDP) as reported on Malaysiakini after echoing to MCA President Ong Tee Kiat brief of one of the East Malaysia Chinese based party plans to replace MCA position in Malaysia political ground.

So, would someone prove the RM100 million funding to topple MCA Ong and MCA position soon ?

Let's see !

15Malaysia & 1Malaysia

The glasses is cool - Rayband

It is fun to watch this short movie on with the inaugural Potong Saga by controversial Namewee.

But, I am not sure if the "sunat" story would annoy certain group of people. I hope it would not.

It is good to watch Khairy Jamaluddin (KJ) & Namewee in " Meter".

Because, KJ was once the controversial figure unwelcomed by Chinese and Namewee was unwelcomed by Malay community.

"After sharp edge & sharp edge rubbing, 1Malaysia evolves !"




你已“主观论政” !

Sunday, August 16, 2009


鸡饭粒Chicken Rice Ball

客观论政 - 马华领袖汇报会16。8。09


我们可以批评翁诗杰对蔡细力于党职与官职的处理方式以及他那种4个字, 8 个字的语调及好抖的姿态。

但, 请问揭发吧生自贸区舞弊案有错吗 ?那是40亿的舞弊。

我曾经是高级打工仔一名, 每月交100%的税。 当时, 我最支持马航, 但Tajuddin 为首的管理层经MAS CATERING 舞弊, 害残马航大亏损。

我经常告诉自己, 如果有机会看到Tajuddin , 我将痛骂他。 因为我是100% 的纳税人, 吃我的钱 !

我曾经在全国的新闻局大会, 当着翁总的面批评他的3拚是不够的,

我也曾经断言翁总不是好团队队员, 而且在他的领导九个月其间, 马华会乱,

但是今天在翁总揭发国家产业舞弊案的事件里, 我全力支持 !

同志们, 我们必需要“客观论政”。


如你们,我也怨过, 但是, 对事我们要公平。

请问你们曾几何时像我这样当面质问翁总呢 ?

马华一个党, 两个头, 对吗?

1亿成立华人新党, 瓦解马华, 外力内力让马华烂与乱的阴谋, 你知道吗?

Saturday, August 15, 2009


以前, 张庆兴经调情“乐捐”,

如今, 张君“霸王硬上弓”认为是“强捐”。

还好, 芬姐细诉当年情为:

“张哥情, 乐龄人士愿”

张某, 请不要再追赶马华同志, 财大气粗, 你肯定犯党怒 !


Napolean Hill - Winning In Adversity 15.8.09

at Banker's Club

Some of the sharings from my speech :

1. Definition of Success & Failure

- Success measured by monetary term ?

- Before going to the gravegard, it can be concluded as Success or Failure.

- Failure should be said as learning curve.

- Suharto was the most powerful man and could be said as successful person but lost his might in 1998 Asia Crisis

2. Figure concept

- Malaysian are generally weak in figure compared to mainland Chinese

- How do you say in Mandarin for RM10,000 ? How many zeroes in 1 Billion ?

- What is the KM2 for KL ?

- Who are Fortune 500 in the world ? Who are Top 500 in Malaysia ?

3. My beliefs

- Seeing is believing

- Creativity is "Create thing from nothing", "When most people are believing in Black but you believe in White", "Old things marketed as modern approach"

- Value adding to your product, business and saying as the result of creativity

Friday, August 14, 2009




2009-08-14 18:10





詢及匯報內容是否有關Kua la Dimensi有限公司首席執行員拿督斯里張慶信指控總會長接收1000萬令吉政治獻金有關時,魏家祥表示,匯報會將討論本週發生的事情。


















Business Hindrance - Malay Cannot Access ?!

Recently, we have had the opportunity to dialog and exchange view with our Malay friends on few topics of discussion.

One of the discussions was about the Malays can hardly enter to the business sectors and industry pre-dominantly occupied by Chinese.

The Malay friends have shown their concern and shared the grievances for not being given the chance to explore the business world widely in the conventional business sectors.

For eg.

Case 1 : the Malays can difficutly get the import agency right from western supplies to sell the machineries into Malaysia market. The reason is the agency right has been awarded to Chinese;

Case 2 : the Malays cannot enter into the hardware business ( selling all kind of materials and tools). The reason is this very traditional business network pre-dominantly run by Chinese;

Case 3 : the Malays have to trade with more expensive material cost if begin to invovle trading business

Above examples look like "business or market hindrance" to a certain persons or group.

Indeed, after heart to heart talk with a few friends, I have below encouragement to our Malay friends when entering to the business :

Business is a kind of knowledge, skills, network , time and opportunity required :

1. Knowledge

A person ought to have product knowledge, production knowledge, trading knowledge while start up the business;

2. Skills

a. Finacial Capital Accumulation Skill - from own saving, family, financial insitution

b. People Skill - to utilize capable human resources regardless of race, group as long as they can help you to enter into the industry. You can partner up with Chinese to gain entry, access to industry resources.

Before, when DEB needs Bumi partner, the Chinese look for this partner to qualified and access to goverment tender which is pre-dominantly structured by Bumi goverment servant.

c. Network Skill - if you think a business sector is occupied by a certain race like say if we want to do business in Japan, we have to engage the Japanese partner or staff to gain entry to the circle. If we want to sell things to Vietnam market, we need to first of all partner with Vietnamese because the society simply does not speak English.

Chinese do not occupied all business sector including Money Changer, News Agency ( by Indian), Halal Food ( by Muslim).

Esblished network has given the existing group the advantage of access to most competitive product cost. Remember it is not over-night effort.

d. Time

Chinese has been in the business world for many many years. But does not mean that others do not have the chance to break in as long as you have business idea in differentiation like Bill Gates has come up with Microsoft to shock the IT world and Google has come up with Search Engine which was not believed by Bill Gate at one time.

If you want to "head-on" with the existing established group, you need to come up with value added idea and product like Pau Ahmad. Pau was not Malay food culture, but now become popular after introducing to big Malay market !

3. Opportunity

Cannot award with Import Agency or Export Agency. Even many other Chinese cannot get agency in his own race and group. You have to wait for the opportunity.

I have been in wood panel industry for 15 years. I have had problem to get agency for certain products neither.

But, persistency, negotiation and opportunity are vital.

Again, Not Over- Night !

Saturday, August 8, 2009




“诺丁”,“阿扎哈里”那舍得轰自己家园呢 ?

尤其是“阿扎哈里”的世外桃园, 鸟不生蛋的“野新”家乡 !

Exported Malaysian Territorists

Malaysian terrorists Nordin and Azahari ( from Chin Chin , Jasin , Melaka) created havoc in Indonesia all these years.

As one of the Chinese saying : " The most dangerous place would be the safest place", so Malaysia is always the safest place with the local products exporting to international markets.

I was recently in Indonesia and told that the recent bomb in Merriot and Ritz Carton Hotel was actually targeted at MU team. But the building was vacated for the reservation of the reknown football team 2 days before they arrive. With no choice, they blew the building instead.

I was always sceptical not to visit hotel such as Merriot, Ritz and Le Meridian for any appointment in Jakarta. Rather, the local 3 star hotels are always the best choice for the businessman.


Year 2009, July
"Alleged Malaysian terror mastermind Noordin Mohammed Top was reportedly killed today in a hail of gunfire at his Indonesian hideout after a 17-hour siege by police special forces at the remote farmhouse in Central Java."

Year 2005, November
"Dr. Azahari bin Husin (born September 14, 1957 – November 9, 2005), a Malaysian national and Islamic terrorist, was believed to be the technical mastermind behind the 2002 Bali bombing and various other Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) terrorist attacks. As a result, he was nicknamed the "Demolition Man". Azahari was killed in a police raid on his hideout in 2005."

1个美国- 小娘惹- 尼尔。符

作者 :符策勤

日前, 经老马之智, 金石为开的美国前总统克林顿的营救下, 朝鲜释放了被俘已久的美国两名记者, 哄动了世界 !

撇开美朝政治议题不谈, 这次的释放事件带来了一些联想及思维探讨。

当获悉美国那两名记者被俘及被释放时, 我们脑海里经常出现的景象是, “美国记者“应该是白人吧。 但是, 当克林顿带领着“美国记者”时,却是“原貌原样” 小眼睛,单眼皮的典型东方面孔的亚裔女记者. 况且一名是华裔凌 志美(罗拉。凌), 另一名是韩裔李诚恩 (尤娜。林),她们的际遇辈受世人关注。

紧接下来, 克林顿带领着两名记者回国。 美国人“众盼所归”, 希望已被囚好一段时间的凌和李能与家人仅早团聚 !

莆下机, 两名记者与家人闪电接触。 此时此刻,女记者的丈夫们及女儿出现在电视莹光幕上, 一名为白人, 一名为混种黑人。

再一次, 主观思维, 下意识的操弄, 又让我们认为两名亚裔记者的配偶应该是“同裔”吧 !主观的罗辑推进思维与现实的落差大了吧 ?

这一幕仿佛反映了1个美国的画面。 美国通婚的多元性社会应该是司空见惯的吧。反观,在大马具是一样的多元化社会背景, 事实全然不同,为何通婚似乎是这么困难及敏感的呢 ?

最近流行的新加坡连续剧“小娘惹”, 我们看到了华巫通婚的下一代是怎么样的生活, 穿着马来服装, 讲着马来语, 以猪肉为食材, 传承着浓浓的中华文化, 比华人更华人。

我们这个年代的人, 摸不清脑袋瓜, 几百年前的那个年代, 为何华巫可以普遍通婚, 比较当下这个年代, 异族通婚的后果是极度的不一样。现在与马来回教徒通婚, 必须要改教, 改生活习惯, 改名, 再改姓 !以前, “巴巴娘惹”不需要改什么,只改服装, 改话语 !

其实, 通婚, 同化这种大事,华人最关注的却身问题的是那一个或那几个 :

是不是宗教的隔阂对一些食材的禁忌 ?

是不是有关传宗接代是否能够保留华人姓与名, 仰是姓氏就可 ?

是不是怕失去华文母语教育 ?

如果都是以上的话, 当华人或非马来人在总人口比率每况益下, 失去政治谈判筹码(如印尼, 泰国,什至于美国) 是否有能力捍卫以上却身的问题呢 ?却身的族群问题是否可以跨时代的一样重要呢 ?

让我们在这个年代, 探讨探讨, 研究研究 !

让我们也思考为何非基督或天主教徒的华人乐于庆祝圣诞节, 扮圣诞老人, 但却不愿意带“宋谷”,吊诡的是又愿意穿Baju Kurung 呢?

在这么多的族群之中, 华人是最少穿着自己的传统服饰如男士的中装, 女士的旗袍。 请别给身材不好的理由 推瑭! 马来人, 印度人, 卡达山人, 杜顺人,越南人, 韩国人, 日本人, 阿拉伯人,那个族群不穿自己的服装。华人 呢 ?

罗拉。凌, 尤那。李, 尼尔。符等的姓名组合可以被接受。方便叫就好,好过一个什么Tan Ah Kao 之名, 怕老外难叫, 又怕被问起名字的意思烦恼。为了 好叫,华人群中也兴起流行日本名字如什么Yuki, 什么 Tanaka 等的外借名字. 不仿 来一个Doremon 也不错吧 !

为何莫哈默。 符就不行呢 ? 是不是那个姓氏在改教后的下一代就站不住脚消失掉 ?名字苟且可以改改, 我中华名族打死就不能改姓氏。

然而, 泰国, 印尼的华人的中华名字如何, 没姓也无名。

别忘记如果一个华人女子嫁给基督欧裔美国人, 很大的成度如罗拉。凌将变成罗拉。贝根姆。

这样就可以吗 ?与此同时, 罗拉。凌的下一代, 就没有华人的姓与名了,我们在乎吗 ?

还是去到美国什么都行了 ? 因为所谓美国是当下多元社会的民主制度模范国 ?不要忘了美国 没有像大马这样的母语教育政策。

写到这里, 不知道如何再写下去, 因为提出来的问号太多了。

公平, 公正是我们的憧憬还是我们期待的“下一个荣景”。人们说黑人奥巴马当上美国总统多好。。美国民主用了几百年的时间来酝酿。 但是, 讽刺的是, 最近的黑人教授被白人警官误扣所带来的“种族面貌歧视”案件又向公平, 公正下战书了。

让我们占且先探讨探讨, 研究研究 !

Likes and Dislikes





We would say all or most non Malay like Yasmin Ahmad because of her openess as Malaysian or 1Malaysia mentality which were very much reflected in her products. But some Malays did not like her for being not Malay enough, not Islam enough as commented in some the local newspapers.

Same as Karim Raslan who is a open Malay intellect writing much wider scope of national interest in his articles is seen to be not pro to his 'puak' enough. His articles are published in Sin Chew Jit Poh every Sunday.

Jamaluddin who speaks very very well Mandarin is the upcoming commentator on print , electronic media as well as guest speaker for many forum....but his fans are from Chinese community. Sure Chinese likes him, worship him, admire him. Likewise, he has a Chinese wife.

What about Professor Khoo Kay Kim ? A non- Mandarin speaking educationist, does the Chinese community like him ? Or, we think that he is not Chinese enough ? Few incident Professor Khoo was in the limelight having been critised by Chinese for certain stand over the community issue ?

Dr. Mohd. Ridhuan Tee Abdullah who has launched the war with Chinese newspapers about his strong critic towards his own race Chinese being Racist and Kiasu. He supports very much of UMNO and Islam and condemn DAP & Chinese community being "biadap" in his Utusan Malaysia articles lately.

Not Malay enough, not Islam enough, not Chinese enough seem like is the 'Zero Sum' game in Malaysia political arena !?

Program Bestari Belia Trengganu 2009

Today, I was the invited guest speaker for the Program Bestari Belia in Kuala Trengganu.

The assignment was to deliver a motivation speech to the crowd of 750 pax of Chinese youth who were granted with RM200/person as Youth Support Fund by the local government. The venue was held at the SRJK Wei Sin.

I was told by the organiser that that was the mix outcome of such funding support to the community because some of non-qualified candidates blamed the government for being "unfair".

Even some were teasing that "what is RM200?" but for those who could not get it would be blasting the authority.

Absolute Paradox !

Containts Of Speech :

1. Personal Financial Planning ( treat RM200 as spirit, not the number)(Personal Financial Management is not tought in higher education);

2. A Different Chinese (Living Our Comfort Zone, Otherwise we cannot compete with mainland Chinese) ;

3. Youth Attitude ( when now everyone has the high qualification, Right Attitude is the competitive edge) ;

4. Barisan Nasional Youth Latest Development ( BN & MCA are not the popular products for sales at the moment. But as the good salesman myself/ourselves, we need patience to overcome the low tide. 'Constructive Action is always better than Plain Comments)

Friday, August 7, 2009



世人为Laura Ling 和Euna Lee 被北韩释放高兴。克林顿魅力依在。

同时, 我们也发觉到有关Ling和Lee 的丈夫是异族。 一位是白人, 另一位看上去想混种黑人。

当我们被告知“两位美籍女记者被俘”, 我们可能以为是白人。

当我们期待她们返美会家人时, 我们可能以为是亚裔亲人。。。

我们可能从主观出发思考, 下意识主导。。 好像判断都落差很大。


至少某成度是。。。异族通婚普及化 !

可能撇开宗教的隔阂, 1America 成行 ?

可能撇开种族母语教育, 1America 成行 ?

可能撇开纯血统传种接代, 1America 成行 ?

泰国通婚没问题, 菲利宾通婚没问题, 印尼/大马到如今通婚有问题。 为什么 ?

什么宗教改教了以后,连姓连名都改掉了 ?

至少Laura Ling 还有Ling ; Euna Lee 还有Lee !

姓氏重要, 还是宗教重要?

为什么非基督徒乐于庆祝圣诞节, 扮圣诞老人 ; 但却不愿意带“宋谷-songkok" , 吊诡的是又原意穿Baju Kurung ?

沙文主义也有“三重标准”哦 !

我们支持1Malaysia... Malaysia Malaysian 呢 ?


让我们探讨吧 !

Buddhism - Best Religion Award

台灣人間福報 2009/7/27 作者:人間社記者滿容

200名各宗教領袖投票決定 讚揚佛教無戰事 目前無團體代表領獎 因榮譽屬於全人類



Belfast天主教神父泰德(Ted O'Shaughnessy)表示,他也投佛教一票,他雖崇愛天主教,但內心常深感不安,因為在宣導基督愛的同時,往往在聖經裡發現為上帝而殺害異教徒的經文。
穆斯林的神職人員塔爾阿斌‧魏塞德(Tal Bin Wassad)說: 「雖然我是虔誠的穆斯林,但看到很多個人的忿怒和瞋恨,藉用殺戮方式表達他們對宗教的崇敬,而不是自我調解的途徑。」
另猶太教拉比羅賓‧山謬‧華聖斯坦(Rabbi Shmuel Wasserstein)說:「我愛猶太教,這是世界上最大的宗教,但自一九九三年以來,我每天都在練習內觀禪修,並將作為修持功課之一。」
國際聯合宗教會目前尚未找到願意受獎團體,當被問及為什麼佛教界拒絕接受獎項時,緬甸翰達比丘(Bhante Ghurata Hanta)表示:「我們感謝佛教被肯定,但此獎是屬於全人類,因每人皆有佛性。」


Buddhism won The Best Religion In The World Award15 Jul 2009, Tribune de Geneve

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


名哈佛黑人教授盖茨(Henry Gates) 被误报‘抢窃’而在自宅与白人警察冲突并遭逮捕。 奥巴马(Barrack Obama) 公开遣责警察'做法愚蠢’(acted stupidly),他认为警察‘以貌取人的种族偏见’(racial profiling) 引起种族关系的大辨论。

当奥巴马知道事情已闹大, 他主动致电有关白人警官克劳利(James Crowley)的手机, 当时Crowley 正在酒吧喝Blue Moon 牌啤酒。 Obama 因此邀约Crowley 与 Gates 到白宫喝酒聊聊。


我赞赏Obama的处理事情的方式 - 果断 , 放下身段, 简单,投其所好, 顾及大家的颜面, 艺术说话解决事情。

其实, 在现实中太多人爱以 :无事生事, 小事化大, 大事上博客, 无聊事上街头来处事待人。

尤其, 在政治上, 一句:“我不靠政治吃饭, 我不靠党生活”,以凡事都要‘鸟’上两句, 凡见领袖都要‘呛一腔’的自恋姿态出现。

但, 看看自己却是凡人到不再凡人一个, 却不是什么人物或领袖, 而是我所讲的80%人群中的小不点。

Obama 此次的经典之作, “大事化小, 啤酒化无”。

哎, 领袖不谙酒精之为, 似乎少了一个策略工具?!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My Favourite Indonesian Food 337

Teh Botol - how come not in the botol ? Teh Botol is the famous household brand like Teh-O.

Nasi Padang - You touch the the plate by your sudu, you pay for the dish ! This is interesting about Nasi Padang.

Nasi Padang ( Do You Know Or Not They Recycle The Food). Sometimes , ignorance is good.

Apokat - Is a kind of juice that sweet

Nasi Uduk - cook with santan milk. In Indonesia, there is no Nasi Lemak. Nasi Uduk is quite near to Nasi Lemak. Dont assume that our Indonesian mates have known about Nasi Lemak before they come to Tanah Melayu.

AQUA 阿瓜Well Accepted In Indonesia

在印尼, 阿瓜被认同及广泛接受。

他们没受到歧视而且还人 人每天与他

国情不一样 !

In Indonesia, AQUA is recognised and widely accepted.

They are not discriminated , yet mouth watering by everyone everyday !

"PAK , SAYA MAU AQUA (阿瓜) SATU......."

When you are thirsty !

Note : AQUA is the most famous brand name of mineral water in Indonesia.

But , for Indonesian who is thirsty , please do not shout " SAYA MAU AQUA (阿瓜)" while in Malaysia or Singapore !

Sunday, August 2, 2009

纵贯线K.L.Station 1.8.09 与演唱会

欣赏了整合三代 (虽然他们说四代)台湾跨时代歌手的一场演唱会 :


我看过了宗盛/华建演唱会, 这次是想要看罗大佑的个性风采及张震岳的音乐玩童的样子。

大佑有个性但台风生硬及讲话急智,流畅不及华建,宗盛。 但是他的那一首:“童年”。。。够回忆了吧 ?

震岳快曲,爸爸/ 妈妈歌词可能把50岁以上的观众抛在后头,觉得“不知所谓”, 但是我喜欢 !

整体来说, 华建最全面 - 歌好, 话好, 笑好 !我建议华建应该结合精华:“华建东笃笑演唱会”- 边唱, 边讲的新元素。

人生就要有个平衡吧 - 看场演唱会 !

我在于1999年香港红勘体育馆关赏刘德华演唱会, 2004年台北看伍佰演唱会,

1980年代在马六甲培风看刘文正, 费玉清, 周润发, 郑玉玲 - 还是我老爸主办的呢 ! 同时众歌星们还到老爸的丽河酒店小息呢。

“没法天长地久, 回享曾经拥有。”

我在等待周杰伦, 陶吉, 低音手赵鹏。。。。

就像纵贯线的主打歌《出发〉。。再出发 !

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Democratic Progress = Violent Approach ?

Malaysia 210






Does the Democratic System equal to the Violent Approach or Hard Approach by going on street ?

Yes, the ISA ( Internal Security Act ) of Malaysia is not popular. No one is happy with it ! But the government if reviewing it and MCA and other political party are suggesting and proposing other measure to keep the country in piece.

ISA used to be against communist during British colonial period. Apparently, the members of Communist Party Malaya was pre-dominantly by Chinese. In a way, that was saying Chinese did not like ISA.

But, the majority of the arrest of yesterday demonstration in K.L. over the ISA issue was Malay. So, the ISA is not popular among the Malay ?

No, I think it is not welcomed by Malaysian.

Nevertherless, should the people go on to the street against ISA again. With the opposition having quite a major voice in parliament these days, why not they do away or rectify this unpopular law in the democratic way - voting in Parliament.

Demonstrations on the street like Indonesia, Taiwan, Thailand, China, now Malaysia, are all these necessary to put the message across or to achieve political objective or playing with emotion or to the extent of violent in Indonesia in 1998, Thailand in 2008, China 2009 that created fear and uncertainty towards stability for both international and domestic community.

Imagine that the recent bombing in Jakarta, many countries have warned their people from going to Indonesia, similar to Thailand with the great impact of tourism after the "concuring of Bangkok airport" 2008.

Race hatred or political hatred ( we dont know) in Xin Jiang, China recently, was that fun ?

Malaysia wants to have herself trial on this pre-violent ?

Trial on creating instability ?

Trial on stop foreign investors from coming here ?

Hey, do it in the democracratic system not on the street.

We blame any kind of potential threat to the community act in pursuing any political objective !!!

Double Political Alliance development does not mean in taking risk on the country and raykat for granted and.....treating us as ignorance and naive under the flag of "freedom" - freedom of violence ????