Thursday, June 25, 2009

Rais Yatim's Babi In Between H1N1

I am rather shocked with the report on TV2 Berita In Mandarin about YB Rais Yatim's idea of "Babi" word to be put in between H1N1 in order to give more alert among the Malaysian about the seriousness of this world epidemic.

It is a very very backward thought, though !

WHO ( World Health Organisation) has announced that H1N1 as the name of this flu despite their first spread by pig.

Now, the flu is spread by human being ourselves not the pig.

I am surprised and could not believe that our Minister Of Commnication, Information and Culture could have such saying.

It is not constructive at all with such announcement.

Furthermore, he seemed considerate to Mandarin newspaper to let them to decide to whether to use such addtional word in between H1N1.

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