Wednesday, June 17, 2009

BN Youth & EMCO Historical Dialog

Barisan National Youth & Emco ( Eight Major Chinese Youth Based Organisation)

Session 1 :

BN’s YB KJ presentation about “ 1Malaysia” concept ;
EMCO’s Dr Ong view

Session 2 :
EMCO and BN Youth members give view / raised questions

Session 3 :
Open to the floor

Moderator : Neil Foo ( Chief Strategist/ Of Staff Of BN Youth)

Time : 4.25pm-5.50pm

Venue : UM 11th Hostel

Note : This is meaningful and historical dialog idea was suggested on 5/6/09 and put in action within 10 days. Thanks to Persatuan Xianglian's " Undergratuate Summit" which created such timely platform for both youth bodies interaction.

Thanks to all EMCO's leaders !!!!

We will do it in future again with even much closer tie and specific with more strategic action plan.

Language : BM & English

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