Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sit Down & Talk !

"Chinese Newspaper Is The One Racist" Utusan Malaysia and Sin Chew Jit Pau Battle Increases

6月28日 傍晚5点23分 Malaysiakini

《马来西亚前锋报》与《星洲日报》两大报之间的笔战继续延烧。随着《星洲日报》在上周反击前者指它“狭隘”的言论后,《马来西亚前锋报》今日再次重申,中文报才是“种族主义”的报纸。经常发表争议性言论的《马来西亚前锋报》专栏作者阿旺士拉末(Awang Selamat)今日发表题为《为什么星洲如此匆忙回应?》(Kenapa Sin Chew melatah?)的文章,点名《星洲日报》大肆抨击一番。“事实上若我们进行独立的调查,肯定的答案是,中文报才是种族主义。”

Refer to the recent battle between Utusan Malaysia and Sinchew over the issue of " Who is racist ? " and " Who is nationalist ?" The 2 -World phenomena becomes a hot topic of discussion even debate between these 2 major newspapers in Malaysia.

Look from the bright side, at least readers are more aware of what are reported in the other side of the green rather than living in the "tinted glass house" that one can only see their room but not the outside of the room.

You can only see to the other side of the tinted glass provided the other side is brighter !

All this while, I feel that our Malaysian newspaper are reporting more on their community view, value, perception over an national issue.

Therefore, I urge the media should have more open view and even exchange views amongst themselves from time to time for the interest of the country.

Why not the suggestion of "Routine Close Door Dialogs" of the medias to be carried out as the ice breaker good for the multi -racial community like our beatiful Malaysia ?

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