Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
BN Youth - Datuk Wee & 4Bs & SahabatNGOs
The dialog was held :
Topic : Mencapai Persamaan Dalam Perbezaan
Date : 29.6.09, 3.30pm- 5pm
Venue : PWTC 23th Floor Seri Indon Hall
Close Dialogs Between Malay base Youth NGOs -4bs and Sahabat NGOs and BN Youth led by Datuk Wee Ka Siong as Deputy President and members from Umno Youth, MCA Youth, MIC Youth.
Press Conference was held at 5pm onwards with major media attended.
There were 6 representatives raised questions and suggestions from the floor :
Issues raised in the dialogs :
1. the floor surprised and impressed with Wee's very well converse in Bahasa Malaysia;
2. the audience are pleased and accepted with Wee's explanation over the concern of perception towards Chinese SRJK schools as one of the factors causes disunity of the country. Suggestion to have more publicity on this matter to clarify the wrong perception of this issue;
3. discussion about Sekolah Wawasan in nature vs in practical. The practical part is the pupils are hardly have any interaction in day-to-day activities despite the occassional major sport carnival. Suggestion to Datuk Wee to look into this matter in order to make correction to boost the unity objective of sekolah wawasan;
4. the audience understand about the important of openess of national business policy and also concern of over DEB issue . But, the same level playing should be considered also to help everyone in the country who are behind in some of the major business aspects;
5. weak organisation of BN in term of team work in elections, normal interaction and dialogs;
6. suggestion of having more " Padang" ( field) to have natural youth activities on the physical field instead of the young group in the cyber centre. the " Padang" could be good unity place for everyone;
7. suggestion of once /month, once /bi-month for such meet between BN Youth & Malay NGOs. The audience very much appreciate such meet which were very dry for very long time. Such dialogs should be start at the grass root as well like " Bahagian" level;
8. suggestion to BN Youth to be more agressive to approach the new youth voters of 3 million in number
Wee suggests BN Youth - Bologgers dialiog to be held soon.
Date : 29.6.09, 3.30pm- 5pm
Venue : PWTC 23th Floor Seri Indon Hall
Close Dialogs Between Malay base Youth NGOs -4bs and Sahabat NGOs and BN Youth led by Datuk Wee Ka Siong as Deputy President and members from Umno Youth, MCA Youth, MIC Youth.
Press Conference was held at 5pm onwards with major media attended.
There were 6 representatives raised questions and suggestions from the floor :
Issues raised in the dialogs :
1. the floor surprised and impressed with Wee's very well converse in Bahasa Malaysia;
2. the audience are pleased and accepted with Wee's explanation over the concern of perception towards Chinese SRJK schools as one of the factors causes disunity of the country. Suggestion to have more publicity on this matter to clarify the wrong perception of this issue;
3. discussion about Sekolah Wawasan in nature vs in practical. The practical part is the pupils are hardly have any interaction in day-to-day activities despite the occassional major sport carnival. Suggestion to Datuk Wee to look into this matter in order to make correction to boost the unity objective of sekolah wawasan;
4. the audience understand about the important of openess of national business policy and also concern of over DEB issue . But, the same level playing should be considered also to help everyone in the country who are behind in some of the major business aspects;
5. weak organisation of BN in term of team work in elections, normal interaction and dialogs;
6. suggestion of having more " Padang" ( field) to have natural youth activities on the physical field instead of the young group in the cyber centre. the " Padang" could be good unity place for everyone;
7. suggestion of once /month, once /bi-month for such meet between BN Youth & Malay NGOs. The audience very much appreciate such meet which were very dry for very long time. Such dialogs should be start at the grass root as well like " Bahagian" level;
8. suggestion to BN Youth to be more agressive to approach the new youth voters of 3 million in number
Wee suggests BN Youth - Bologgers dialiog to be held soon.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
克鲁曼 - 亚洲风暴之父
这是论述的开始, 也是谢绝“政客”的干预。
这是论述的开始, 也是谢绝“政客”的干预。
首相与华社 PM & Chinese
在国阵青年团, 我的建议书里有这么一席话开端话语:
针对人民的不满 -
我们知道问题的所在吗 ?或, 我们真的不知道问题所在 ?还是。。。我们选择不知道 ?
非常高兴, 在昨晚华社为首相上任庆功宴上, 首相那吉已知道及说明了华社所关心的问题, 也就是4大问题 :
1。 教育
2。 经济
3。 宗教
4。 治安
I have such saying as below as the "Foreword" for my BN Youth Strategic Committee Proposal ie :
For the current dissatisfaction of the rakyat -
Do we know the problems ? or We do not know the problems ? May be....We choose not to know ?
I feel very pleased that in the celebration dinner for PM last nite, Datuk Seri Najib does know and elaborate the problems concerned by Chinese community , ie the 4 major problems :
1. Education
2. Economic
3. Religion
4. Safety
I will have above as one of the major consideration guildlines for the BN Youth Strategic Committee to find resolution.
针对人民的不满 -
我们知道问题的所在吗 ?或, 我们真的不知道问题所在 ?还是。。。我们选择不知道 ?
非常高兴, 在昨晚华社为首相上任庆功宴上, 首相那吉已知道及说明了华社所关心的问题, 也就是4大问题 :
1。 教育
2。 经济
3。 宗教
4。 治安
I have such saying as below as the "Foreword" for my BN Youth Strategic Committee Proposal ie :
For the current dissatisfaction of the rakyat -
Do we know the problems ? or We do not know the problems ? May be....We choose not to know ?
I feel very pleased that in the celebration dinner for PM last nite, Datuk Seri Najib does know and elaborate the problems concerned by Chinese community , ie the 4 major problems :
1. Education
2. Economic
3. Religion
4. Safety
I will have above as one of the major consideration guildlines for the BN Youth Strategic Committee to find resolution.
Sit Down & Talk !

"Chinese Newspaper Is The One Racist" Utusan Malaysia and Sin Chew Jit Pau Battle Increases
"Chinese Newspaper Is The One Racist" Utusan Malaysia and Sin Chew Jit Pau Battle Increases
6月28日 傍晚5点23分 Malaysiakini
《马来西亚前锋报》与《星洲日报》两大报之间的笔战继续延烧。随着《星洲日报》在上周反击前者指它“狭隘”的言论后,《马来西亚前锋报》今日再次重申,中文报才是“种族主义”的报纸。经常发表争议性言论的《马来西亚前锋报》专栏作者阿旺士拉末(Awang Selamat)今日发表题为《为什么星洲如此匆忙回应?》(Kenapa Sin Chew melatah?)的文章,点名《星洲日报》大肆抨击一番。“事实上若我们进行独立的调查,肯定的答案是,中文报才是种族主义。”
Refer to the recent battle between Utusan Malaysia and Sinchew over the issue of " Who is racist ? " and " Who is nationalist ?" The 2 -World phenomena becomes a hot topic of discussion even debate between these 2 major newspapers in Malaysia.
Look from the bright side, at least readers are more aware of what are reported in the other side of the green rather than living in the "tinted glass house" that one can only see their room but not the outside of the room.
You can only see to the other side of the tinted glass provided the other side is brighter !
All this while, I feel that our Malaysian newspaper are reporting more on their community view, value, perception over an national issue.
Therefore, I urge the media should have more open view and even exchange views amongst themselves from time to time for the interest of the country.
Why not the suggestion of "Routine Close Door Dialogs" of the medias to be carried out as the ice breaker good for the multi -racial community like our beatiful Malaysia ?

2009-06-27 10:32
2009-06-27 10:32
Friday, June 26, 2009
现今开始走入“解构”及将来的“重构” !
让我们开始模拟思考吧, 20 年以后的大马社会。
Peter Druker 有“下一个社会”, 大马也将会个“下一个结构”。
现今开始走入“解构”及将来的“重构” !
让我们开始模拟思考吧, 20 年以后的大马社会。
Peter Druker 有“下一个社会”, 大马也将会个“下一个结构”。
BN Youth - Datuk Wee & 4Bs on 29.6.09
We are looking forward the the dialog between BN Youth Datuk Wee Ka Siong with 4Bs En Tajuddin Deputy President Majlis Belia Malaysia dan En. Saiful Adli will be held at PWTC 23rd floor on 29/6/09 at 3pm.
The moderator will be En. Gadafi, Deputy President Belia 4B.
This will be the 2nd activity organised by BN Youth Strategiest Committee.
The moderator will be En. Gadafi, Deputy President Belia 4B.
This will be the 2nd activity organised by BN Youth Strategiest Committee.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Rais Yatim's Babi In Between H1N1
I am rather shocked with the report on TV2 Berita In Mandarin about YB Rais Yatim's idea of "Babi" word to be put in between H1N1 in order to give more alert among the Malaysian about the seriousness of this world epidemic.
It is a very very backward thought, though !
WHO ( World Health Organisation) has announced that H1N1 as the name of this flu despite their first spread by pig.
Now, the flu is spread by human being ourselves not the pig.
I am surprised and could not believe that our Minister Of Commnication, Information and Culture could have such saying.
It is not constructive at all with such announcement.
Furthermore, he seemed considerate to Mandarin newspaper to let them to decide to whether to use such addtional word in between H1N1.
It is a very very backward thought, though !
WHO ( World Health Organisation) has announced that H1N1 as the name of this flu despite their first spread by pig.
Now, the flu is spread by human being ourselves not the pig.
I am surprised and could not believe that our Minister Of Commnication, Information and Culture could have such saying.
It is not constructive at all with such announcement.
Furthermore, he seemed considerate to Mandarin newspaper to let them to decide to whether to use such addtional word in between H1N1.
Malaysiakini 25/6/09 12.35pm
6月25日 中午12点35分 Malysiakini
国阵青年团策略研究局主任兼幕僚长符策勤(左图)关注日前马来西亚前锋报报导评论有关“马来人应该研究华人”及星洲日报言路版发表的“马来集团办华人报,赞!”的回应文章 。同时,中文电台也一起讨论了类似课题及有关各语文报章之间报道及评论彼此的社论及时事议题如
6月25日 中午12点35分 Malysiakini
国阵青年团策略研究局主任兼幕僚长符策勤(左图)关注日前马来西亚前锋报报导评论有关“马来人应该研究华人”及星洲日报言路版发表的“马来集团办华人报,赞!”的回应文章 。同时,中文电台也一起讨论了类似课题及有关各语文报章之间报道及评论彼此的社论及时事议题如
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
各自表述 vs 全民表述
(24/6/09)国阵青年团策略研究局主任兼幕僚长符策勤关注日前马来西亚前锋报报导评论有关“马来人应该研究华人”及星洲日报言路版发表的“马来集团办华人报, 赞!” 。同时, 中文电台也一起讨论了类似课题及有关各语文报章之间报道及评论彼此的社论及时事议题如马来前锋报 转载了 吉隆坡木屋区被强拆迁等事件。
他建议各语言媒体可主动转载其他语文的社论报道, 让彼此的读者们更了解“马来西亚需要什么”。 这种交叉式的报道将让各族间对一些议题拥有更全面,更客观的做分析及讨论。
国阵青年团乐见“一个马来西亚”的核心价值观鼓励从“各自表述”变成“全民表述”的方式让大家落实“多了解”, “多互动”, “多行动”的3多方程式及人民能以更广阔的角度去思考国家议程。
他建议各语言媒体可主动转载其他语文的社论报道, 让彼此的读者们更了解“马来西亚需要什么”。 这种交叉式的报道将让各族间对一些议题拥有更全面,更客观的做分析及讨论。
国阵青年团乐见“一个马来西亚”的核心价值观鼓励从“各自表述”变成“全民表述”的方式让大家落实“多了解”, “多互动”, “多行动”的3多方程式及人民能以更广阔的角度去思考国家议程。
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
(中国报 22/6/09)
(中国报 22/6/09)
雪隆 2009-06-22 09:40
雪隆 2009-06-22 09:40
2009 BTR 代表大会团长致词
A. 党务
1。 秉持“理念服众, 政纲治国”;
2。 方向 :民生,政策, 青年
3。 党瘦身 :尖兵与政治数字的对立学说
B. 课题
1。 联合政府 :应顾种族对立局面
2。 理大 / 政府奖学金 :荒唐及行政偏差
3。 博物馆及历史教科 :应“还原历史”
4。 媒体 :“各自表述”有关本身族群的主观看法
5。 英文教数理 :小学 - 捍卫母语, 加强英语 ; 中学 :支持
6。 拼经济 :收集行业资料库
7。 青年 :大专生敢对时事敏感呛声
B. 国阵青年
1。 1MALAYSIA 全民对话 : BTR 响应
2。 国阵青年投诉局 :支持成立
3。 4 SEKAWAN 运动 : 建议全国巡徊
D. 总结
不是走了多远的路, 而是还可走多远的路 !
吃盐比吃米多之论述已过时 !
1。 秉持“理念服众, 政纲治国”;
2。 方向 :民生,政策, 青年
3。 党瘦身 :尖兵与政治数字的对立学说
B. 课题
1。 联合政府 :应顾种族对立局面
2。 理大 / 政府奖学金 :荒唐及行政偏差
3。 博物馆及历史教科 :应“还原历史”
4。 媒体 :“各自表述”有关本身族群的主观看法
5。 英文教数理 :小学 - 捍卫母语, 加强英语 ; 中学 :支持
6。 拼经济 :收集行业资料库
7。 青年 :大专生敢对时事敏感呛声
B. 国阵青年
1。 1MALAYSIA 全民对话 : BTR 响应
2。 国阵青年投诉局 :支持成立
3。 4 SEKAWAN 运动 : 建议全国巡徊
D. 总结
不是走了多远的路, 而是还可走多远的路 !
吃盐比吃米多之论述已过时 !
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Next Change !
BN Youth / YB Datuk Wee Ka Siong
& Gerak Belia 4B ( Malay NGO Youth Body)
End June 2009.
Cetusan idea dan ilham saudara Mohd. Kassim Shah, seorang guru di Sekolah Lelaki Methodist, Jalan Hang Tuah, Kuala Lumpur, selaku Pengerusi Ikatan Seni Budi yang bergabung dengan Persidangan Tetap Belia Daerah (PTBD) Kuala Lumpur. Pada 1964 PTBD merangkumi sebanyak 21 buah persatuan adalah di bawah Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat.
Saudara Mohd Kassim Shah merupakan pemimpin yang berminat dalam hal ehwal kemasyarakatan, kebajikan dan politik tanahair, di mana beliau pernah menjadi Ketua Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO Bahagian Setapak, Kuala Lumpur.
& Gerak Belia 4B ( Malay NGO Youth Body)
End June 2009.
Cetusan idea dan ilham saudara Mohd. Kassim Shah, seorang guru di Sekolah Lelaki Methodist, Jalan Hang Tuah, Kuala Lumpur, selaku Pengerusi Ikatan Seni Budi yang bergabung dengan Persidangan Tetap Belia Daerah (PTBD) Kuala Lumpur. Pada 1964 PTBD merangkumi sebanyak 21 buah persatuan adalah di bawah Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat.
Saudara Mohd Kassim Shah merupakan pemimpin yang berminat dalam hal ehwal kemasyarakatan, kebajikan dan politik tanahair, di mana beliau pernah menjadi Ketua Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO Bahagian Setapak, Kuala Lumpur.
BN Youth & EMCO Historical Dialog

Barisan National Youth & Emco ( Eight Major Chinese Youth Based Organisation)
Session 1 :
BN’s YB KJ presentation about “ 1Malaysia” concept ;
EMCO’s Dr Ong view
Session 2 :
EMCO and BN Youth members give view / raised questions
Session 3 :
Open to the floor
Open to the floor
Moderator : Neil Foo ( Chief Strategist/ Of Staff Of BN Youth)
Time : 4.25pm-5.50pm
Venue : UM 11th Hostel
Note : This is meaningful and historical dialog idea was suggested on 5/6/09 and put in action within 10 days. Thanks to Persatuan Xianglian's " Undergratuate Summit" which created such timely platform for both youth bodies interaction.
Thanks to all EMCO's leaders !!!!
We will do it in future again with even much closer tie and specific with more strategic action plan.
Language : BM & English
Khairy Jamaluddin & EMCO 15.6.09

Kuala Lumpur -- Ketua Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO Malaysia, Khairy Jamaluddin berkata pergerakan itu akan meneruskan sesi dialog dengan penduduk pelbagai kaum termasuk di Sabah dan Sarawak untuk mengetahui suara hati mereka dalam pelbagai perkara.
Menurut beliau sesi perjumpaan seumpama itu amat penting bagi memastikan suara hati golongan muda dapat diselami dengan mendalam sekaligus membuka ruang untuk pergerakan itu berkhidmat bagi semua tanpa mengira kaum.
"Perjumpaan serta sesi dialog berkenaan adalah satu langkah Pemuda Barisan Nasional (BN) untuk mempromosi serta mempraktikkan gagasan Satu Malaysia yang diperkenalkan oleh Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
"Hari ini kita telah memulakan proses berkenaan dengan mendengar serta berdialog dengan Lapan Pertubuhan Utama Belia Cina (EMCO), dan pada 29 Jun ini pula, Ketua Pemuda MCA, Datuk Dr Wee akan mengadakan sesi dialog dengan Pertubuhan Belia Melayu seperti Belia 4B dan Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung", katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian kepada laman webPemuda selepas sesi dialog khas bersama Lapan Pertubuhan Utama Belia Cina (EMCO) di sini, Isnin petang.Lapan pertubuhan belia terbabit ialah Pergerakan Pemuda Malaysia, Persatuan Belia Xiang Lian Malaysia, Pertubuhan Gerakan Belia Bersatu Malaysia, Persatuan Belia Buddhist Malaysia, Persatuan Belia Kristian Malaysia, Persatuan Graduan Muda Malaysia, Persatuan Usahawan Muda Malaysia dan Junior Chamber KL Mandarin.
Turut hadir Setiausaha Pemuda UMNO, Megat Firdouz Tan Sri Megat Junid serta barisan Exco Pemuda UMNO Malaysia yang lain dan kepimpinan Pemuda MCA.
Khairy yang juga Pengerusi Pemuda BN seterusnya berkata sesi perjumpaan seperti itu sebenarnya memberi ruang untuk mendapat gambaran jelas tentang pendapat, aspirasi serta pandangan daripada pihak luar."Ini adalah pendekatan untuk perkukuhkan lagi gagasan Satu Malaysia."
Apabila kita memahami aspirasi serta pandangan daripada masyarakat yang lain, maka kita boleh kukuhkan pendekatan kita bersama dalam Pemuda BN supaya tidak hanya diterima oleh kumpulan atau kaum tetapi diterima oleh semua rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira agama, kaum dan latarbelakang."Jadi kita tidak terhad kepada isu yang berhubung kait dengan kaum kita sendiri seperti UMNO dengan Melayu, MCA dengan Cina, MIC dengan India.
Parti komponen di Sabah dan Sarawak juga tidak akan dilupakan," ujarnya.Beliau seterusnya menyifatkan perjumpaan beliau dengan pertubuhan belia Cina itu merupakan satu sejarah serta kerana dapat berjumpa dan berdialog kumpulan sasar berkenaan."Antara isu yang dibincangkan pada sesi dialog itu adalah pendidikan seperti pemberian biasiswa dan kemasukan ke universiti, ekonomi serta isu perpaduan dan integrasi nasional", katanya.sumber: http://www.pemudaumno.org.my/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=8903&mode=nested
Posted by 马华KJ at 6:59 AM
Posted by 马华KJ at 6:59 AM

此外,符策勤說,國青團也將在下一次的國青團策略會議上,提呈“4 Sekawan”(4個朋友)的計劃,即一個人有3個異族朋友,促進各族青年的交流和了解。
此外,符策勤說,國青團也將在下一次的國青團策略會議上,提呈“4 Sekawan”(4個朋友)的計劃,即一個人有3個異族朋友,促進各族青年的交流和了解。
此外,符策勤說,國青團也將在下一次的國青團策略會議上,提呈“4 Sekawan”(4個朋友)的計劃,即一個人有3個異族朋友,促進各族青年的交流和了解。
此外,符策勤說,國青團也將在下一次的國青團策略會議上,提呈“4 Sekawan”(4個朋友)的計劃,即一個人有3個異族朋友,促進各族青年的交流和了解。
Friday, June 12, 2009
Salam Muhibbah - Masjid Tanah, Melaka
I was in Masjid Tanah town for breakfast while on the way to Persisiran Balak Beach for the Seminar as guest speaker on 7.6.09. I was not there for at least 20 years.
I was very very surprised and excited to come to know that almost all the Chinese coffee shops are really "Muhibbah".
The Chinese shops are basically full of all races Malay, Chinese , Indian to dine in together.
The shops serve Chinese conventional drinks like Kopi, Teh , Milo,..........; Roti Canai sold by Malay makcik, Chicken Rice stall next to it.
Amazing ! I have not seen this for past at least 30 years besides in Sabah, Trengganu, Kelantan.
My family was running the coffee shops those days that we had "Muhibbah Scene" when I have personally witnessed this scenario when I was primary school in 70's.
I talked to the shop owner Mr. Chew and introduced my self and family with Hailam background. He affirmed that he is Hailam also. The conversation become even closer.
I have asked him about the muhibbah scene in his shop and Masjid Tanah. He said it is still common. I said even 25 years ago , Jasin has not seen this Muhibbah scene any more. I reckon Masjid Tanah can be one of the model town for Muhibbah.
I have idea of informing BN Youth about this excitement and may suggest we will come together to Masjid Tanah to pay all these people a great visit and creat awareness of Muhibbah for rakyat Malaysia.
I also have the idea of urging the Modern Kopitiam to create Muhibbah as their social responsibility as well as their selling point.
Salam Muhibbah from BN Youth !
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

同时国阵青年团也建议“3多2少的方程式”即是多互动、多了解、多行动;少偏激的种族舆论、少行政偏差。 而且, 以“还原历史, 国家独立精神”凝聚国阵青年团力量,培养更具‘全民马来西亚’理念的新一代国家青年领袖,有活力及形象清新的领袖为国家效劳。
Monday, June 8, 2009
7.6.09 Speech For Youth
6th June – 7th June 2009; Kemunting Beach Resort, Masjid Tanah, Melaka
7th June 2009
1000am-12pm Ceramah III – SMI & SME Speaker – Mr Neil Foo
Containts :
—Konsep 1 Malaysia (20 min)
—Global Mind In Recession (20 min)
—You’re Not Fired ! / 不被裁员 (20 min)
—How to handle chinese businessmen from different countries 左眼右眼看华人 ( 20 min)
I feel glad the camp members who are mostly undergraduate from local varsity were participative and vocal during the Q&A session.
I also found that the youths were not satisfied that the entrepreneurs could not get government loan for business. Indeed, they were not experiencing their own loan application but with "perception". I have motivated them as entreprenuer , they should not give up any hurdle easily because there will be more challenges in real business world.
Even one the audience has challenged me to join opposition as their grievance against government for being unjust in treating all races.
I have advised that we can always have different opinion but the ultimate objective is to put message across to the party that they wish to convey. It should be done with strong stand but polite. Not by emotion. EQ is more vital.
Last but not least, I like these youth that most of them are nice characters and have good future.
Neil Foo
6th June – 7th June 2009; Kemunting Beach Resort, Masjid Tanah, Melaka
7th June 2009
1000am-12pm Ceramah III – SMI & SME Speaker – Mr Neil Foo
Containts :
—Konsep 1 Malaysia (20 min)
—Global Mind In Recession (20 min)
—You’re Not Fired ! / 不被裁员 (20 min)
—How to handle chinese businessmen from different countries 左眼右眼看华人 ( 20 min)
I feel glad the camp members who are mostly undergraduate from local varsity were participative and vocal during the Q&A session.
I also found that the youths were not satisfied that the entrepreneurs could not get government loan for business. Indeed, they were not experiencing their own loan application but with "perception". I have motivated them as entreprenuer , they should not give up any hurdle easily because there will be more challenges in real business world.
Even one the audience has challenged me to join opposition as their grievance against government for being unjust in treating all races.
I have advised that we can always have different opinion but the ultimate objective is to put message across to the party that they wish to convey. It should be done with strong stand but polite. Not by emotion. EQ is more vital.
Last but not least, I like these youth that most of them are nice characters and have good future.
Neil Foo
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Utusan Malaysia

Muhyiddin tegur Utusan
Rahmah Ghazali Jun 2, 09 7:00pm, Malaysiakini
Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin menegur akhbar Utusan Malaysia kerana menyiarkan artikel yang didakwa mempunyai unsur perkauman.Beliau mengulas artikel yang disiarkan dalam akhbar tersebut bertajuk 'Melayu dikhianati' yang ditulis oleh Awang Selamat.
Artikel tersebut antara lain menyifatkan kaum bukan Melayu membuat tuntutan yang didakwa oleh Awang Selamat melampaui batas.
Walaupun tidak mengikuti tulisan itu, kata Muhyiddin, beliau mengingatkan akhbar berkenaan supaya menghormati kaum lain di negara ini.
"Mereka yang diberi kewarganegaraan adalah rakyat Malaysia, tak kira mereka Melayu, Cina atau India," katanya kepada pemberita dalam satu sidang media di Kuala Lumpur.
1. I support our Deputy Prime Minister's stand in this issue to condemn Utusan for being racist in its report containts;
2. The factual of Malaysia's media is the reports are very much weighted towards to take care of their community readers. The races views become very diverse without understanding the respective media over the same issue discussed. Malay read Malay newspaper ; Chinese read Chinese newspaper, Indian reads Indian newspaper.....
3. 1 Malaysia concept should have a media to report all races and community views;
4. It is very dangerous that if daily media are seeding racial extreme views, the country unity is just an illusion
Neil Foo
Rahmah Ghazali Jun 2, 09 7:00pm, Malaysiakini
Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin menegur akhbar Utusan Malaysia kerana menyiarkan artikel yang didakwa mempunyai unsur perkauman.Beliau mengulas artikel yang disiarkan dalam akhbar tersebut bertajuk 'Melayu dikhianati' yang ditulis oleh Awang Selamat.
Artikel tersebut antara lain menyifatkan kaum bukan Melayu membuat tuntutan yang didakwa oleh Awang Selamat melampaui batas.
Walaupun tidak mengikuti tulisan itu, kata Muhyiddin, beliau mengingatkan akhbar berkenaan supaya menghormati kaum lain di negara ini.
"Mereka yang diberi kewarganegaraan adalah rakyat Malaysia, tak kira mereka Melayu, Cina atau India," katanya kepada pemberita dalam satu sidang media di Kuala Lumpur.
1. I support our Deputy Prime Minister's stand in this issue to condemn Utusan for being racist in its report containts;
2. The factual of Malaysia's media is the reports are very much weighted towards to take care of their community readers. The races views become very diverse without understanding the respective media over the same issue discussed. Malay read Malay newspaper ; Chinese read Chinese newspaper, Indian reads Indian newspaper.....
3. 1 Malaysia concept should have a media to report all races and community views;
4. It is very dangerous that if daily media are seeding racial extreme views, the country unity is just an illusion
Neil Foo
Monday, June 1, 2009
Demand & Supply - When the market is back !

I have just on my business trip to Jakarta, Surabaya from 26-28/5/09.
Besides the ritual of Indonesia trip with Nasi Padang, Ikan Bakar Groume, I am pleased the market has come back after months of low tide of international market.
As I said 4 months ago " The demand is low now due to depressed of Western market shrinkage but the once of market revive, there will be shortage of supply", it proven that month of May 09 has shown sign of short supply in wood industry.
I am not fortune teller but with experience and optimism , I could foresaw such phenomenon change in demand/supply shift every time.
I remember I have written a big article with the topic of " 3 up, 3 down of wood base industry" back in early 2000, there is always cycle of up-down-up in business world.
The inspiration is only those with independent of thought would help one to capture the great opportunity to take advantage like price game, stock-up game and etc..
Neil Foo
Besides the ritual of Indonesia trip with Nasi Padang, Ikan Bakar Groume, I am pleased the market has come back after months of low tide of international market.
As I said 4 months ago " The demand is low now due to depressed of Western market shrinkage but the once of market revive, there will be shortage of supply", it proven that month of May 09 has shown sign of short supply in wood industry.
I am not fortune teller but with experience and optimism , I could foresaw such phenomenon change in demand/supply shift every time.
I remember I have written a big article with the topic of " 3 up, 3 down of wood base industry" back in early 2000, there is always cycle of up-down-up in business world.
The inspiration is only those with independent of thought would help one to capture the great opportunity to take advantage like price game, stock-up game and etc..
Neil Foo
The Shame Of USM
GEORGE TOWN: A technical blunder on Universiti Sains Malaysia’s (USM) official website has created confusion among 4,574 students about their eligibility to enter the university.
And USM deputy vice-chancellor (Academic and International Affairs) Prof Ahmad Shukri Mustapa Kamal apologised unreservedly for it. The students, who had received offer letters via soft copies on the website, were left disappointed when they were told of a technical mistake by USM.
The university had wrongfully uploaded all the names, together with 3,599 successful applicants, on the website.
The Star OnLine 31/5/09
1. How can this episod happen in such reputable university of the country ?
2. We can imagine the great anger of the students and parents fooled by the university and start blaming the authority in general;
3. I think those who made such mistake should take full responbility and resign;
4. I urge the Higher Education Ministry to take swift action to investigate and chase away the person/s who ashame the country and check thoroughly if this matter was done deliberately ?!
5. After JPA scholarship drama, dont' you think that this is another episod circus ? How can it be happened within weeks time ?
And USM deputy vice-chancellor (Academic and International Affairs) Prof Ahmad Shukri Mustapa Kamal apologised unreservedly for it. The students, who had received offer letters via soft copies on the website, were left disappointed when they were told of a technical mistake by USM.
The university had wrongfully uploaded all the names, together with 3,599 successful applicants, on the website.
The Star OnLine 31/5/09
1. How can this episod happen in such reputable university of the country ?
2. We can imagine the great anger of the students and parents fooled by the university and start blaming the authority in general;
3. I think those who made such mistake should take full responbility and resign;
4. I urge the Higher Education Ministry to take swift action to investigate and chase away the person/s who ashame the country and check thoroughly if this matter was done deliberately ?!
5. After JPA scholarship drama, dont' you think that this is another episod circus ? How can it be happened within weeks time ?
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