Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Luk Luk Malaysia At Party 2009

I worried if I arranged "Fatty Luk Luk" as wise party meal to serve my Hong Kong friends during Chiense New Year. At first , I booked than cancelled.
After thinking again, the catering food would not be as good neither.
Finally, I re-booked.
It proven to be correct of my decision as the 20 people Hong Kong friends like it very much.
They even said " so far this is the best food they ever dined during the trip".
I was pleased.
It is not easy to serve Hong Kongoer to dine in our Chinese restaurants in Malaysia. Hong Kong people is blunt to directly comment about the untasty food. I like the way they comment.
Therefore, I still feel our Chinese food is below par of those served in Greater China.
My 15 years eating experience in the region tell me that.
I introduced foods of various countries in my book.(advert time lah)

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