Saturday, February 28, 2009








左眼右眼看马来西亚市场 亿速 @ 2641 on 2005'年'02'月'19'日' (572 x 网民/会员) Visit My Blog

文: 符策勤 摘自书本: 左眼右眼看华人 A Differnece Chinese书写于 :2003年11月




说回零售商这话题,看于大马的市场是那么有利可图。2千5百万人口等于台湾的人口,大过香港,大过新加坡,照理这行业还可以。我踏偏华人为主的国家。看过每个国家的零售行业。我可以告诉大家,大马零售行业最难做!台湾人口2千4百万 - 华人为基础消费群。香港7百万 0 华人为基础消费群;新加坡2百万人 - 八成华人为基础消费群。 这三个地方的人口密集高于大马,也就是说人口集中,可集中火力的策动营销战略。再来,大马人口2千4百万 - 基础消费群65%巫人 - 25%华人 - 5%印度人, 其他5%, 也就是说华人只得5百万。5百万华人分布在东西马,人口密集太疏散!唯一的吉隆坡是最集中的市场。但,营销策略要针对三大民族比率方面做考虑。商业广告,要有三版本;卖食品又要考虑各族的禁食品如猪肉,牛肉,鸡肉(回教阉割法)。剖析以后,它的市场覆盖率有局限,剩下无几。


曾几何时,在八十年代显见中国改革开放以后,华人社会顿时街头谈遍有关曾经是这些侨民的祖国。当时大马华人社会感慨万千,一面为“祖国”骄傲,一面高谈中国市场论。媒体也好,朋友也好,大家都有这样的论调。中国十多亿人口,一人抛一包尿,把大马淹没;另一个积极的说法,中国十多亿人口,我们赚他们一个人一元,就有十多亿元,发达了!企业界的尊贵起身进军中国,投入企业国际化的大步伐。九十年代初期,凭着是华人,凭着会“讲华语话”,志气扬高喊:“我们到中国投资去!去赚他每人一元的宏愿。”,后来,另一种论调出现了:“他妈的,中国人是骗子,骗得我血本无归,比较专业的描词 - 中国是投资黑洞!搞的当年志气雄雄的大马新人类,碰了一鼻子挥,静悄悄的回到真正的祖国来(马来西亚)”。晚间,向墙角边流泪有苦自己知。”


下一代,不如中国人聪明,容易轻信人家,容易向现实诋头。你们是“四脚牛!” 这句话是在5-60年代的说法。根据我妈妈解释“四脚牛”意思是“笨”。大概是说大马土生土长的华人没有中国人那么醒目,狡猾,求生意志弱。主要是因为大马的多元种族环境,与没灾没难的国度里剖养了缺奋斗的精神。这是千真万确,毕竟中国人与大马华人,真的有别!











周連瓊將安排官員巡視增設交通燈 解決問題












全球金融風暴 2009-02-27 09:19




Thursday, February 26, 2009


2009 年- 他们闹国会, 高喊 “ini tanah melayu"

90 年代 - 他们闹吉隆坡中华大会堂


Tuesday, February 24, 2009


1. 翁诗杰 - 不怕被围剿

2. 蔡细历 - 再生人

3. 廖仲来 - 蚊症

4. 黄燕燕 - 敢言女人所不敢言

5. 魏家祥 - 白小开课了

6. 周美芬 - 有工没工

7. 王乃志 - 抓大盗(道)

8. 李伟杰 - 不断发文告

9. 马汉顺 - 不吃喝玩乐

10。 蔡金星 - 一发功就不可收拾的沉默才子

Bkt Gantang , Bkt Selambau 补选

信源:亚洲周刊|编辑:2009-02-22| 网址:



翁总, 这下看您的了 !


王德齐 2月24日 中午12点26分(Malaysiakini 下午2点半更新)



我心里面焦急地说:“翁总, 这下看您的了!”

但是,潜意识里又起涟漪,接下来的倒数日,马华的命运定局是否 “更好、平凡或党争的开始 ?”
在2008年10月18日,也是翁诗杰票选当上马华总会长的那一天, 党、华社沸腾了 !终于,这位‘实至名归’也好,‘时势出英雄’也罢, 这位3万变3千的呛声筒当上了.

从此, 翁总的笑容更灿烂了.

君不发察觉, 自308, 翁议员经常在公开场合歪着右嘴角在’笑’吗 ?
308, 1018的两赢两笑, 翁总’笑傲江湖’了. 从此党上下、 华社的期待也高了, 看看这位‘与众不同’、 ‘不按牌理出牌’、有勇气’独立思考’的儒政人士怎么带领马华步出低潮, 放眼将来.

在马华党选期间,反映出了几个现象,也是反映了新生代马华党员新思维文化 :

1. 党员还是如往届党选踊跃出席拜票饭局. 但是,他们非常非常期待党高职候选人的拥有建设性的
竞选宣言;或起码欲聆听一些具有‘独立思考’的演说 ;

2. 党员渴望在候选人中找出一群骏马,千里马,带领党奔驰 ;

3. 当侯选人致词完毕时, 或什至于在演说途中,党员们迫不及待的为台上的候选人打分,

加分因素有 : 宣言里有改革的成份 ; 魅力演说

扣分因素有 : 炫耀本身在位当官时的本领及政绩 ; 口齿不清, 不知所谓的演说

4. 华社叮咛党员一定要投选翁诗杰现象;

5. 华社搞不懂为何走了一个吃喝玩乐的马青仔, 又来了一个被人议论纷纷的公德、私德的人士;
党选过了, 华社、马华党上下希望新领导层立刻能投入状况,’综合各领导人的改革宣言投诸于行动.

近来, 大马政坛流行着“首100天”的政绩审核监督方式。 可惜的是,到如今已四个月了, 马华还没见到一纸的改革计划, 更不用说什么的行动纲领.

我们看到的是, 老大老二公开的互呛、回镉论的文章、坊间流传着召开特大的声音、超人论等的事件.

坦然与圆滑是一种相对论 !虽然有矛盾, 过去的马华领导层都以圆滑处理, 尽量不见光. 然而, 今天的马华领导层似乎是以“坦然相对”的方式, 处理矛盾。 这反映了众党魅们直率的本性.

本来国阵脑激荡会议开始进行了, 但在瓜登補选后,马上叫停,拖延至巫统党选后. 国阵、巫统、马华口说改革, 改什么? 什么时候改 ?自308以后, 快一年了, 1018马华党选120天了, 坊间的不满声浪, 开始愈打愈高,群众们一天比一天纳闷, 一天比一天的焦急.


还好,华人新年期间, 翁总来一个宣布说,他将会在2009年3月1日公布马华未来治党的方针. 这下可暂缓了党员的焦急, 期待301的到来.

301是非常非常关键的. 马华治党方针的内容,接下来的党领导层的团结及有效的方针执行力是大家所关注的.

然而,我们可以等, 希望我们的等,是值得的.

翁总的“万变千”,“对号入座”,“拜位”,“回锅”,“虚胖”,“政躬违和”等的文字造诣,我们学好了;您的中心思想, 我们也大约知道。

实际的改革行动吗。。。翁总, 这下下看您的了!

作者 :符策勤

Saturday, February 21, 2009

How I See Muhyiddin ?

Serious’ may be what Umno needs

Umno’s thinking politician Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin spoke frankly to Sunday Star about how he decided to contest for the deputy president’s post only after getting the green light from incoming president Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
TAN SRI Muhyiddin Yassin takes his work seriously and it shows in his face and demeanour.
Some of his own party people find him less than friendly and even a little on the grumpy side. Upon hearing this, he broke into a broad smile. It transformed his face. In fact, he has one of those somewhat shy and rather boyish smiles.
He is neither unfriendly nor grumpy, but he is certainly not Mr Smiley and simply has no propensity for frivolous talk.
Muhyiddin: ‘My record shows I have spoken up over the years, even during the leadership crisis of 1988’
Muhyiddin, as his low-profile wife Puan Sri Noorainee Abdul Rahman put it, was “born a serious man”.
( From Star On-Line 22/2/09)
I personally first met Muhyiddin when I was the invited guest speker for SMI's Malaysia - Vietnam Conference 2008 after 308 General Election.
My perception of this Umno leader before I met him :
1. a-bit of oversize , not so tall, wide face typical Malay look;
2. plain and not outstanding in his political career - ordinary Malaysian politician image
My new view of this national leader after meeting him in the press conference especially he was asked by the journalist about his UMNO high post contest decision at that time and his pressure on Prime Minister Pak Lah for the transition of power of country leadership topic :
1. very good command of English;, prompt thinker and speaker;
3. persuasive , convincing in his answers with new phrase, vacabulary in proceeding with journalists's bombasting, cornering and critical questions;
4. straight to the point, firm but polite;
5. visionary leader who dares , ables to give new view, thought and may be real action to UMNO , BN and country
Seeing is believing as I always command this belief in understanding oneself.
Presumption always give us different perception.

SMI Seminar on 21.2.09

Mr Neil Foo, Managing Director of WorldMill Corp. Mr Foo will share about his experience in facing the current economic downturn when many SMEs are facing problems of survival?

(Presented by Neil Foo for NASMEC ( SMI ) Business Networking Seminar on 21.2.09)

The Factual :

The Fake Of World Demand ( Capacity Race)
The Belief Of Profit Average - Out Phenomena ( we have earned future profit in last few years)

A. Analysis

1. Production Capacity & (Lifestyle Fast Track)

2. Sales Situation

3。Market Mix

4。Product Mix

5。Operation Costing

6。Cash Flow Situation


“Mental Stamina - Everyday Must Sell ” & AQ - Adversity Quotient(逆境商數)

1. Recession Cash Flow Management / Monthly Commitment

2. Market Visit & Frequent Visit – Evaluation vs Priotisation

3. Product Mix Segmentation

4. Stock Management ( Everyday Turn Stock To Cash)

5. Product Extension ( Own the sales but do not own the stock – back to back )

6. International vs Domestic

7. Domestic Enlarge

8. Risk Management : Collection ( 50:40:10), Gross Profit Vs Capital

9. Human Resource Management – Everyone is Salesperson ( Telemarketing)

10. Very Close Communication ( Good flow of information of situation control and motivation)

11. Unlimited Database Chasing

12. Networking ( Business , Social)

13. Referral Program to introduce business

14. Guriella Marketing Tools : Website, Emails, Telesales/marketing, SMS, Small Ads, Joint Exhibition

15. Variable Cost Vs Fix Cost : ( cut loss)

16. Outsourcing of logistic and operation

17. Get Reasonable Loan

What is AQ?

Adversity Quotient/AQ, is the science of human resilience.

People who successfully apply AQ perform optimally in the face of adversity — the challenges, big and small, that confront us each day.
In fact, they not only learn from these challenges, but they also respond to them better and faster.

For businesses and other organizations, a high-AQ workforce translates to increased capacity, productivity, and innovation, as well as lower attrition and higher morale.

AQ leverages on our natural ability to learn and change, enhancing this vital capacity. In fact, unlike other types of learning, AQ can be permanently rewired and strengthened. Finally, AQ methods are used for a wide array of applications that drive your success.

EQ = Emotional Quotient => Emotion Intelligent
IQ = Intelligent Quotient

Setapak 著名 Ulu Yam 卤面





团拜邀请了国阵友党同胞及当地的居民, 观赏大会构思的多元文化综艺节目,与舞狮共乐,同享“捞鱼生”及亲身体会红彤彤的氛围等的精心现场设计,提倡‘全民佳节’的独特大马庆典。

工委会主席也是敦拉萨区会主席拿督斯里陈财和率领工作队伍,如火如荼的为大会做准备工作; 诚邀各皆层人士, 非政府组织, 慈善团体等。到时, 众多的领袖包括马华总会长拿督斯里翁诗杰及党中央领袖将赴会。




马华总会长来了, 总团长在后头






联邦直辖区副部长YB Saravanan

Friday, February 20, 2009




3。抨阿都拉建议报警藐视议长, 倪可汉指禁足令符合霹宪法


自308以后, 看似民联站上风, 包刮安华的916变天计划, 国阵的停滞不前, 巫统的继续不可一世及傲慢。

民联攻 vs 国阵守

- 人民当倾向民联的评判(只因为希望大马有转变)

但是, 综观自霹雳的政权易手, 大马的政治角力正式开始。

民联守 vs 国阵攻

战场将杀开杀于Bkt Gantang, Bkt Selambau, Bkt Lanjan (有待分晓)

人民情绪高涨, 愤怒, 衲闷。


大马看似进入了当年台湾的民主过程, 当两股实力不相上下时,就是瓶颈, 衲闷得开始。

也考验民联的AQ逆境管理能力, 自身的磨合及信任。

搞不好, 国阵有错再错, 50年老店可能很快就要打烊。 如果。。。。再没有洗心革面及有诚意的改革方向的话。。。。

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


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Monday, February 16, 2009


针对雪州行政议员黄洁冰的裸照事件, 我赞成振国提议发文稿声援维护个人隐私的权利也认同她是受害者。

如今, 高科技防弗利用了人性的弱点, 监视人类的活动 !

科技是“冷冰冰的”, 人们是需要“良心来暖和”。

黄洁冰的内心深处是让科技或良心“冰冻了” ?

就如, 中国的毒奶事件, 那怕用上“亿元“重朔“品牌”, 那种“印象大打折”, 谁敢再喝!

就如, 80年代, 合作社风暴, 美华合作社是没有舞弊现象, 但是, 人们多数不再想信合作社。


负面的形象发展。。。。无论如何,伤害多于建设 !

爱也需要理智。。。。 爱也不是每一个时刻都需要捕捉“记录”的。

很多时候, 男欢女爱, 需要“向数码相机坚决说不”。

MALAYSIAKINI : "雪州行政议员黄洁冰,在今日下午2点45分发表一篇简短的文告在今日下午2点45分发表一篇简短的文告,严厉谴责有人尝试流传她睡觉时半裸,以及发生亲密关系的照片或短片,是一项针对她的恶意攻击。她声称这已经严重侵犯其私人隐私权,特别是侵犯了她的私人生活。她相信这些举动是一些无耻的人为了羞辱及破坏她,并声称,“在这起事件里,我是一名受害者。”

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Laminated Flooring - Highest Scratch Resistance Wood Flooring
and Most Competitive Price In The World

DIY Decking - 2009 Trend ( Wood Feel)

Friday, February 13, 2009

你逼真 vs 李碧珍

如果你已公开道歉了, 好吧, 就算了吧。

下次记得外,准, 狠。

这次, 你快, 恨, 但不准。

海南人, OK LAH.


什麼是AQ ?


以宰羊了. 甚麼是 AQ?

選擇今天我要找到美好的事,還是要專注於煩惱的事? 我們要選擇感恩、寬容,抑或是要讓抱怨、憤怒來折磨我 ? 我們甚至可以在今天選擇關心他人,對他人感興趣的機會,而不要讓冷漠習慣性的在心頭。

30年前,我對當時的工作非常不滿,時常抱怨,也多次口頭叫嚷要辭職。有一天一位其他部門的年長主管跟我 說:「永遠不要因為這個工作不好而辭職,一定要因為另一個工作更好而辭職。」這二句話對我很重要,影響也很大。

30 年後的今天,回想起來,他說的真的很有道理。現在的公司制度不好,下一個工作機構的體制多半也有缺 陷。現在的公司不公平,誰能保證新的公司一切都很合理公道。現在的公司有派系,天知道多少公司有同樣的權 力鬥爭問題。跟現在的主管處不好,新工作的主管就一定處得好嗎?

AQ (逆境商數) : 近來在企業管理領域出現了個新名詞 AQ(Adversity Quotient)明確地描繪出一個人的挫折忍受力,或是面對逆 境時的處理能力。 根據AQ專家保羅.史托茲博士的研究,一個人AQ愈高,愈能以彈性面對逆境,積極樂觀,接受困難的挑戰,發揮 創意找出解決方案,因此能不屈不撓,愈挫愈勇,而終究表現卓越。

相反的,AQ低的人,則會感到沮喪、迷失,處處抱怨,逃避挑戰,缺乏創意,而往往半途而廢、自暴自棄,終究 一事無成。 AQ不但與我們的工作表現息息相關,更是一個人是否快樂的重要關鍵。尤其在大環境不景氣的當下,不論是在職 或待業,突發狀況的發生機率都會提高,因此練就一身回應逆境的好本領,就愈顯重要了。

到底該怎麼做,才能提昇自己的 AQ呢?

1、凡事不抱怨,只解決問題: 碰到不如意的情況,AQ 低的人會怪東怪西,都是別人的錯,害自己不能如願,抱怨過後,心情往往更加沮喪而問題依舊無解。 AQ 高的人通常沒時間抱怨,因為他們正忙著解決問題。所以請減少抱怨的時間,因為少一分時間抱怨,就多一 分時間進步。

2、先看優點,再看缺點: 當挫折發生時,如果第一個念頭是:「完了,這下沒救了。」那就很難逃脫悲觀的詛咒。 AQ高手的做法是,遇到狀況,先問自己:「現在有什麼是可珍惜的?」

換句話說,在挫折中找優勢,並把它轉化 成進步的助力。 例如,突然失業當然錯愕,但

想一想,現在多了時間自己可支配,還有資遣費,於是再進修培養第二專長,似乎 會是不錯的想法,也許就此開創出另一番格局。 畢竟,自怨自哀解決不了問題,懂得在逆境中找機會,才是高 AQ的精彩表現。

3、將當下的不幸,變成日後的「幸虧」: 看待挫敗,AQ 高手清楚知道,一時的成敗並不能定一生。 就像李安,大學沒考上,卻因此找到了自己真正的舞台,現在想想,還真「幸虧」當時沒考上大學,要不現在就 不是這番光景了。因此只要保持樂觀,塞翁失馬焉知非福, AQ高手就能將當下的不幸,變成日後回顧時的「幸 虧」。 讓我們一起提昇自己的逆境商數,如此一來,工作上的卓越成就,一定指日可待。

Hainanese In Malaysia

Tastes of Hainan Island By Sharon Tan The Star, March 30, 2003

ONE of the last Chinese clans to arrive in Malaya, the Hainanese, a distinct dialect group, came to be known for their prowess in the kitchen. Many young men from China's Hainan Province were prompted to seek their fortunes overseas when the island's livelihood - fishing and farming - was affected by political turmoil in neighboring provinces between 1926 and 1930.

Thus, a typical Hainanese family could trace its roots here to only as far back as three to five generations, unlike the other early Chinese settlers.
Restaurant Nam Heong in Jalan Sultan, Kuala Lumpur, claims to be the pioneer of commercial Hainanese chicken rice in the city.

As the story goes,the latecomers found that most of the industries and trades were already controlled by the other clans, so they ended up taking positions in the homes of the colonial masters as domestic helpers, identified by their starched white service uniforms. Among the Hainanese, "ang moh kang", a reference to their common fate of being in British employ, became a catchphrase.

Another version of folk history has it that the Hainanese men ended up as cooks because, traditionally, it was their womenfolk who toiled in the fields back home, while the men stayed indoors. Therefore, when they got to Malaya, naturally they sought employment where they were best suited. They came to almost monopolize the cooking profession in expatriate establishments.

Many of them worked in British households where they picked up the English language. It is said that their children were better-educated because of their language advantage. They also got into better schools with their employers' help.

The cooks managed to save enough money to start their own little restaurants. In due time, these immigrants dominated the kopitiam and bakery business. Their popular enclaves were ports in Malacca, Penang, Terengganu, Selangor and Singapore. The community mostly settled in towns, following their careers in the food and beverage industry.

According to Foo Khee Beng of the Penang Hainanese Association, the community used to own 90% of the coffee shops in Penang but the number has since dwindled to a mere 1% - a far cry from the glory years.

The Hainanese bakeries, which produced the popular Hainanese bread and coconut and kaya buns, also became casualties of time and progress. Many closed down or were taken over by other clansmen. The younger generation of Hainanese, being well educated, preferred to seek greener pastures, often opting for white-collared jobs.

In Malaysia and Singapore, the food that can be traced to the Hainanese has two distinct roots: one influenced by the cuisine of Hainan Island, the other colored by colonial attachments.
Originating from a tropical island, Hainanese cuisine is very much reflective of the island's vegetation. (Famous for its coconut palms and white sandy beaches, Hainan Island has been called "The Hawaii of Asia"). Coconuts and banana leaf are dominant ingredients: While the rice dumplings (chung) of other ethnic Chinese are wrapped with bamboo leaves, the Hainanese use banana leaves to wrap their pillow-shaped dumplings (chim khau tang).
Coconut milk does not figure much in the cuisine, but whole coconuts and grated coconut are used. Yi Buak, a sweet dumpling made of glutinous flour dough is filled with grated coconut and crushed peanuts, a dessert similar to the Nyonya's Kuih Koci. Yi Buak is traditionally served at a baby's full-moon celebration.

As coffee is planted on the island, its association with the Hainanese is not surprising: they brew the best kobi khaw, a thick, aromatic cup of strong coffee, made the way the Hainanese like it.
Rice balls have a pragmatic origin - rice in balls was easier to eat out in the fields where they toiled. Today, rice balls are still made at home as prayer offerings, especially during the Qing Ming festival, a day to remember the departed.

Other than chicken rice, not many traditional Hainanese dishes made headway, unlike foods of the other Chinese dialect groups. Although there are many Hainanese-owned restaurants in Malaysia and Singapore, none serves full-fledged authentic dishes.
The local Hainanese themselves are no longer familiar with their cuisine. Dishes such as mutton soup, Gu Yoke Som (beef soup) and Nong Yoke (pork stew) are seldom served today in their homes.

Mutton soup, brewed with herbs available from Chinese medical halls, is eaten with a chilli dipping sauce made with fermented red bean curd (nam yee). Gu Yoke Som is beef hotpot Hainanese-style: the beef slices are marinated with fermented bean curd before being dunked in a steamboat. In Hainanese restaurants in Malacca, one can still order these specialties.

The older generation recalls dishes like Kuih Tai Din, a black dumpling said to be good for ridding the body of toxins and for relieving rheumatic pains. Lap, a savoury leaf-wrapped rice similar to the Malay ketupat, appeared during auspicious occasions, and chives (kau sang) was a popular everyday vegetable.

Dominating the kitchens of their colonial masters at the turn of the 20th century, the Hainanese were adept cooks who not only learnt to prepare Western food, but created local dishes to suit European taste buds, giving birth to dishes such as chicken chop, macaroni pie, chicken pie and chicken and lamb stew.

Curry Kapitan, a dish widely associated with the Nyonyas, is said to be a local Hainanese invention. The mildly spicy chicken curry was apparently created to suit European taste buds. Roti Kahwin, two slices of white bread spread with butter and an egg-and-coconut jam, another specialty associated with the Nyonyas, is also said to be of Hainanese origin. This last claim is highly probable since the Hainanese dominated bread-baking, a skill they must have learnt from their British employers (besides, bread does not figure in the Nyonya menu).
So it follows that Roti Babi, a deep-fried savoury sandwich, is also a dish the Nyonyas borrowed from the local Hainanese and adapted to suit their taste buds; the Nyonya version is highly spiced with herbs and many aromatic spices). - Flavours

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

谁在骂海南人leh ?

两天前 leh, 繁仲致电, 通知我有人骂海南人, 要我是否可呛声, 因为最近我好像在呛人。

我与繁仲开玩笑, 如果能够证明海南人不是那个样子, 我才可呛leh! 不然, 我就是误呛。。。。我开玩笑。

傍晚, 明威打来通知, 原来是那位呛翁总“内裤穿在外”的貌美李碧珍女士leh, 呛到海南人leh。

我在想李姐是想要步当年林敬益“人不是人, 鬼不是鬼”leh。

还好, 芙蓉海南会馆, 中马海联青有所反应。

Supermen.....Ah Ko !

Note : "Leh"是讲海南wah(话)常用的尾音leh.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Luk Luk Malaysia At Party 2009

I worried if I arranged "Fatty Luk Luk" as wise party meal to serve my Hong Kong friends during Chiense New Year. At first , I booked than cancelled.
After thinking again, the catering food would not be as good neither.
Finally, I re-booked.
It proven to be correct of my decision as the 20 people Hong Kong friends like it very much.
They even said " so far this is the best food they ever dined during the trip".
I was pleased.
It is not easy to serve Hong Kongoer to dine in our Chinese restaurants in Malaysia. Hong Kong people is blunt to directly comment about the untasty food. I like the way they comment.
Therefore, I still feel our Chinese food is below par of those served in Greater China.
My 15 years eating experience in the region tell me that.
I introduced foods of various countries in my book.(advert time lah)


Sunday, February 8, 2009


阿隆一班都由“有背景”组成。 所谓,组织企业化。

如果我们老是成为匪徒“猎”夺对象, 只因为我族属于高收入群体。 那么, 所谓有背景有义气的组织是否“站出来”帮我们挡灾?

还是, 只是善于“内斗内行, 外抖还没断奶”或 “外斗没囊”。



阿星发难 !

2月8日 傍晚6点34分


安华须忏悔为混乱局面负责卡巴星是在其槟城乔治市的办公室召开记者会说,“现在是他忏悔的时候了,民联需要选出新的领袖”。 他也声称,许多公正党及行动党的成员过去听信了安华的言辞,才会支持人民代议士跳槽。他说,“我有时候感到困惑,在民联于去年3月8日的大选获胜之后,安华为何还竟然要鼓吹跳槽。”

我之见 :

相见容易, 相处难 !“阿星”安耐不住。

如果国阵不急要变天, 让民联开始, 继续犯错, 那下一届才来收拾复地, 不是更好吗 ?


国阵尤如表现差的总裁, 硬要重新管理毗州。 其实, 让民联总裁开始犯错不是更好吗 ?

Saturday, February 7, 2009


近年来,君不难发觉过马路的极大多数为外劳吗 ?

三叉路, 十字路, 行人道。。。。。当心, 有人过马路, 踩刹车 !

2-3 人, 看上去, 皮肤不是很黑, 有时男人与男人, 手牵手, 眼睛溜达溜达, 孟加拉人也。

小小眼睛, 个子不高, 又像你和我, 衣着很像马六甲或东甲,麻坡人。。。。肯定是越南人或缅甸人。

大马人好命, 那有机会过马路。

大马小孩就没有福气了, 不懂怎么过马路。

本地人出钱开档, 外劳变成亲戚, 印尼妹成开女, 缅甸男生变开弟, 炒起“滑蛋河”。。。难吃透顶。。玩笨。。 华人骗华人饮食文化

Friday, February 6, 2009

Perak Political View

The public has different opinion about Politician Hoping in Malaysia :

a.when Anwar/PKR was planning to lure BN politicians to hope, the public in general has been looking forward;

b. when BN has successully lured PKR politician to hop or rather to quit plus changing hand of state political control, the general public is angry.

Double standard of public towards Hoping Issue ?

Why ? Can we say perception of public towards PKR is better than BN ?

Or, BN has not changed yet since 308 ?

A yet-to-be -proven PKR is better than not-yet-changed BN ?

Perception ? Hope ? Frustration ?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

SME Business Networking

National SME Council(NASMEC)

is proudly inviting YOU to join us at our BUSINESS NETWORKING SESSION

* To network with SMEs business people
* To learn the latest trend in local & global market
* To acquire knowledge to growth your business With our Guest Speakers

1. Dr Ching Tow Fah, Chartered ConsultantDr Ching will share about the success story of Toyota when all major US car makers are in troubles. Learn how the Toyota system can help you to face this difficult situation!

2. Mr Neil Foo, Managing Director of WorldMill Corp. Mr Foo will share about his experience in facing the current economic downturn and how he cope with the decreasing order for his wood's export!

What is the strategy to stay alive when many SMEs are facing problems of survival?

PLUS Selected participants to share about their business story and trouble-shooting by our

Guest Speakers PLUS Opportunities to share YOUR story and to know each others


Date: 21 February 2009 (Saturday)

Time: 9am - 1pm

Venue: NASMEC Training Room

9.00am – 10.00 am – Registration & Breakfast
10.00am – 10.30am – Speaker 1: Mr Neil Foo
10.30am – 11.00am – Speaker 2: Dr Ching Tow Fah
11.00am – 11.30am – Q & A
11.30am – 1.00pm – Networking Session
1.00pm – 2.00pm - Lunch

We are charging minima fees of RM 30 ONLY for Breakfast and Lunch!

All participants will automatically be a member of our SME Communityto enjoy long-term privileges and exclusive services!

CALLChong Yoon Kee019-2199211
Pay on the spot!



(2月5 日) 马青总团策略研究局主任符策勤强烈批评何启斌博士污辱华人为“投机分子”。符策勤针对何启斌博士在今晚TV1的“吡呖州政局”的访谈中口不择言的侮辱华人。

何启彬博士在节目里说:“只要任何政党出任政府, 华人都会支持, 这种投机者行动, 我是不喜欢的”。

马青认为这种言论是具不负责任的,尤其有关国语政治评论节目在晚上的黄金时段播出, 众多的观众必受误导。 同时, 有关负面的言论促使国人对华人的印象大打折扣以及误会华人是不折不扣

做为电视的时事评论嘉宾,何博士也是资深的学者,在没有事实根据之下“自辱, 广辱”华人。此举反映了何博士缺乏为人的基本风度及涵养。

何博士竟然在“众目睽睽”之下, 大事的调侃华人及华社。这种劣等言论及思维是要不得的。马青要求何启彬向华人及华社道歉及解释当晚的偏激言论。



Tuesday, February 3, 2009

失 与 得

Tun Razak 之 马华弱势年代 vs Pak Lah 之 巫统弱势年代


国阵或巫统现在需要支持,是否马华可启开“财政部长”, “马六甲首席部长”之职讨论?

谈判不就这个道理吗 ?

Future Prime Minister

Criteria :

1. Competancy Elected from Component Party ?
2. Bumiputera only?
3. Malay only ?

Political Number Game or Leadership Competancy Game ?

If we want the country to progress. Let think about it.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

跟自己讲话 !

经济风暴的大裁员当儿, 大马青年是应该“跟自己讲话”的时候。


我曾是打工仔, 也是高级打工一簇。

今天, 我在打工的另一边不只看,领教大马打工仔的“真面目” !

1。 比老板更迟到
2。 不懂的要交报告
4。 动用公款
6。大学生英文烂, 三言两语, 没句可用
7。试用期间交百卷 - 零业绩 !白要薪
8。每三个月换工策略, 一年4 份功, 有时标青1年6 -8 份工
9。 妈妈帮找工, 姐姐帮追薪

以上条件, 被干掉1 年4 个 !

老板好坏 !?!?