Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mahathir & Lee Kuan Yew Memoirs

This is the memoirs that I bought it on 10/3/2011 ( normally I have such habit to jot down date of purchase).

Having slot of time ,I have chased to read it almost everyday with its 843 pages that the thickest book that I have ever read, weighed 2 kg, measured to length 240mm.

Finally on 11/5/2011, took me 2 months to ‘swallow’ the whole book !

In the beginning of reading, all of the sudden having kind of comical thinking, “perhaps the two old men are competing on books thickness ? ".

Subconsciously, I dozed to my book shelve to pull out "Memoirs of Lee Kuan Yew" that bought on 19/4/2001, 778 pages, weighed 1kg, length 230mm.

Mr.Ma commanded more pages of the book by 65 pages, heavier by 1kg, longer by 10mm than Mr.Lee ‘s…………

I tweeted above comparison of thickness of the memoirs. Of course there is the background and justification of such ‘ridiculous’ act !

One of the main reason is Dr.M did not like Mr.Lee ‘ Lecturing’ type of attitude and ‘Water Issue’ history.

Therefore, why not try to scrutinize Dr.M’s motive of the book ?

I was very surprise with Dr. M has no hidden expression of his “Malay Centric” in the memoirs and his continuous concern of Malay being weak and inferior group( Political , Economical,….) be it before and after of Malaya independent and his disappointment of some Malay are still not up to the mark and progressing.

Chapter 3 : ‘I am Malay’

Chapter 4 : ‘The Story Of The Malay’

illustrated he is safeguarding and upholding the Malay race from beginning to the end.

He even admitted that he has had the Indian blood but does not know where the root of India was.

With more than 20 odd years era, Dr. M’s struggle in fabricating and strengthening Malay status has enlightened me about the country history and New Malay spirit in both positive and negative aspects has changed our knowledge about our political landscape, racial relationship and future of the country.

At the same time, let us know more about the root cause of evolution of “Little Napolean” of the government sector and formation of chaovanism of certain politician facelift.

Therefore, national leaders, politician must read this book.

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