Friday, May 14, 2010



魏家祥指出,馬青已經成立新媒體單位(New Media Group),並要求所有中委必須使用黑莓或iPhone,以方便和快捷的通過推特(twitter),即時與年輕人保持互動和瞭解他們的想法。




MCA Youth sets up New Media unit to train members
KUALA LUMPUR: The MCA Youth has set up a New Media unit to train its members to be more computer savvy and actively hop onto the Internet bandwagon.
Acknowledging the power of Twitter, Facebook and other social websites as communications tools, movement chief Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong said he hoped this move would allow the movement to get closer to the Internet generation.
Dr Wee is an active Internet user. He frequently shares his thoughts via the micro-blogging site Twitter. He also maintains an account in Facebook, the social networking site, as well as writes in his blog.
“More than half of the MCA Youth central committee (CC) members are using Facebook. I urge them to also use Twitter because this site has big impact,” he said at a press conference here after chairing the 10th MCA Youth CC meeting yesterday.
The New Media unit will be managed by Neil Foo, Dr Kow Cheong Wei and Marco Yap.
On the two vacant Senate seats, Dr Wee called on party president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek to consider nominating leaders from MCA Youth.
The seats became vacant following the resignation of Wanita chief Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun and the completion of term for former MCA secretary-general Datuk Wong Foon Meng last month.
When asked to comment on Wanita MCA which had also requested Dr Chua to consider nominating a candidate from the wing, Dr Wee said there was no mention that the seat must be for a woman.
“The post is open for all. Now that is still free for all,” he said, adding the party leaders would know how to decide.
On another matter, Dr Wee said MCA Youth has decided to organise a two-in-one annual general meeting (AGM) this year in October.
“As last year's Youth AGM was postponed to this year due to the party's re-election, this year we will have two AGMs for 2009 and 2010 at the same time in October.”
On the 10th Malaysia Plan, Dr Wee said the wing had prepared a report compiling the views and suggestions from youth members regarding education and economy issues.
MCA Youth was ready to pass on the report to the parent party, to be eventually submitted to the Prime Minister's office.

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