Monday, April 5, 2010

Provocation, Way Of Political Manoeuver Malaysia ?

The aftermath of 308 political tsunami in Malaysia has enlightened us that racial base of political approach seems facing the challenge.

The raise of kris, the harsh statement of certain race being marginalised, migrant.........

Now, an NGO is threatening to not to ignore their existence in influencing Malaysia political arena.

Now, the Malaysian astronaut informed that he was not arranged to giving talk of his space exploration experience in any of non-Malay schools at all.

So, such saying, statement, actions, mindsets have reflected certain groups of people in their 'side track' of approach in Malaysia multi racial society.

Indeed, after 50 years of independant, opportunist especially in political arena has adopting "provocation" methology to gain mileage.

It is sad not many people know such provokes have been manoevored to the extent that people are still led by structured provocation towards stirred emotion and ended up with anger, sad, disspointed and even some decided to leave the country.

When people are in amok affected by planned heart statement, the strategists with hidden agenda were laughing all the way behind the screen.

Ya, the bad motive racist groups were laughing to their joy by winning the battle but finally they lost the rakyat support in general regardless the race base.

Public adminitration such as government machinery which is perceived to be ineffective, non productive as worst as Key Race Index (KRI) reflected in depth of the Little Napolean attitude in such public sector.

Sad to say and cry to hear our proudly astronaut has informed the public that he is unhappy with his school space talk was based on KRI arrangement ie. only particular race base school enjoyed such great talk ( 600 schools).

The New Economic Model (NEM) to be achieved thru Strategic Reform Initiatives (SRIs) with its 4 pillars of national transformation including 1Malaysia + Goverment Transformation Programme (GTP)+Economic Transformation (ETP) + 10th Malaysia Plan.

Yeah.....Goverment Transformation Programme is the must must in Malaysia cross road to achieve a better tommorow , a high income tommorrow.

Irresponsibility of certain group of politician, government servants and now the NGO have been toying with "Provocation" tactic to gain their popularity, zero sum game and unnecessary hatred.

Let's beware of such "provoking, provokasi" and should not follow their rythm - jangan ikut rentak dia orang !

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