Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Khoo Kay Kim 邱家金 & OCBC !

Refer to the recent heated issue of Professor Khoo Kay Kim on his comment of Malaysia Chinese Primary School "not worth to be learnt from" due to its "Copy Cat" education system.

I would not further comment on this because there are many have already stood up to defend on Khoo's harsh view.

I just want to share my view of non-Chinese educated or rather be little bit more of those Chinese who do not read Chinese newspaper or choose not to read !

My analysis is :

1. for those Chinese who went to English schools or Malay schools since primary education, they are the group who really cannot read Chinese;

2. for those Chinese "half -Chinese educated ( only went to Chinese primary school), who finally "choose" not to read Chinese newspaper;

3. for those Chinese even they are Chinese educated ( even good command in oral and reading), who "choose" not to read Chinese newspaper because.....

a. " the spouse" is not Chinese educated ( save monthly cost of extra Chinese newspaper copy)

b. want to be "seen" as English education background

For those as above, I would make a very general view that these groups of people, they do not understand very well the daily Chinese community situation, thought, feeling and etc...

They are perhaps reading from the local English newspapers as their daily "mind food".

Apparently, other medium than Chinese newspapers are not reporting thoroughly the Chinese society news.

Therefore, those who are only reading these medium of newspapers, they are "half-past 6" when come to really know the typical Chinese group.

Do not get me wrong, I am not talking about "right or wrong" here.

I am rather conducting a post mortem part of the Malaysia multi racial society phenomena.

Likewise, amongst these groups of people, I do not think that they are reading any Malay newspaper neither do the typical Chinese educated group.

Therefore, "so near yet so far" :

1. OCBC - Orang Cina Bukan Cina group neither know well about their own ethnic nor the pre-dominant Malay society;

2. typical groups like the Malay, Chinese, Indian who are their mother tongue educated are basically come to know more about their own tribe only

So, I notice that for those Non-Chinese educated or OCBC , their knowledge of their own ethnic group is generally "shallow" or appeared to be " not of my concern" attitude.

Again, I am not saying it is right or wrong and spurring any racism, rather

this is the phenomenon of Malaysia !


Eng Pak said...



biro IT said...

I wonder are the Proton designers studied in Chinese school? I can see Proton cars copy here and there. I don't agree CopyCat is not good. We can "follow" and adapt something which is good for our use. See the Japanese, they are good in innovation of automobile and electronics. Most important, they are really demands for the Copycat products. That's why people copycat them. Creativity is mostly coming from talent, not from where we studied.