Monday, October 13, 2008

Sub Prime Crisis Due To Creativity

The recent Sub Prime Crisis in USA and Europe is the result of so -called " Creative Marketing" or rather " Creative Financial Product" which mis- led of science and art of "borrowing". As Chinese always say " Save more and less borrowing". This is apparently against the Law of Economy. But, today "Execessive Borrowing" proven to be disaster after years of bubble blowing.

Again, as Chiense says " 1 Cap to cover 10 holes", finally the loan shark will finally come to you. Now, American and European has " 1 Cap to cover 1000holes and more". Be smart in the beginning and fool at the end after the music stopped"

The belief of "Liberalisation of Financial Sector", now the American Government finally have to interfere by pumping in USD700billion of "invisible dirty hand to rescue the collapsing financial entity.

Do not ever to believe the so called of Financial Consultants in the bank either local or internationa bank. Imagine that the "young girls" sitting in the bank try to advise you to manage your money..... I think the young girls not even have enough saving to experience the investment themselves exactly like the non-bicycle rider try to teach you how to ride....

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