Tuesday, January 1, 2013

TIME 2013

A dazzling start to a brand new  human Time  of  01.01.2013, let us appreciate and celebrate past, present & future successes of life progress and the realization of all our aspirations.

A copy of TIME in the bullet train and wine as if as the time tube and excitement blend, especially the reading supposed to past time but the contents spur the head-turned of browsing the year of 2012.

'Bad News' as it printed on the cover....

Time tube pulled far backward to 2008 to review the past past in order to preview the future future.  

Economically first dip of global phenomenon heard and seen through TV in the Dalian restaurant VIP dining room back in 3rd quarter of 2008, the word "Lehman Brothers"  vision and conscious debuted while dining with fellows Chinese and Japanese business counterparts.

The diners were silent and anxious when the TV screen broadcasting the clear signal of the beginning of domino effect of American financial sub-prime crisis spilling over to world and Asia as indulging with the full-table of north Chinese cuisine and liquors.

Having chosen to half believe in the sub-prime crisis, RM7k expenses made me landed on the desert turned Gulf hub -Dubai again in Nov 2008. Mission : to find out the extent of hypocrite impact of American capitalism towards the up and surging of this most liberal Arabic country which allows liquors to be served in 5-star hotels and the present of night clubs surprisingly yet seen not few young girls in the sexy singlet-sleeveless summer attire in the public eyeballs and relatively less head scarfs in this soil.

TIME in Dubai 2008 , yes, it was bad news.

2009, postponing the trip to LA, USA as the 'Hold' business strategy eluded the unforseen depth of the 'Deep' (dip).      

2010 start showing the bottom-bounced recovery, the sky of 2011 torched clearer.....but there came the news of 2nd Dip caused by Europe...hmm the White Deep Deep!

The business activities of 2011 second half  defiant streak with mix economy indicators again as 2008.

2012, confirmed 2nd Dip across the globe and further exhausted most of financial and business sectors and led to collapsed of EU nations.

Imagine , just to survive from 1st, here come the 2nd throughout 2012, the swallow of sliver to dare one to hold on to the wall of the cliff one more time, swing like a monkey from deforestration on to the dry tree branches.

Despite the export business turmoil, exploring into own domestic markets as of the sustainable strategy applicable to the opening of a retail outlet in Jakarta in mid 2011 to serve the up-growing  consumable consumers in this 130 million population and new magnetic field of FDI. 

A branch out for Malaysia domestic market is the similar approach in mid 2012.

Investments in the Shenzhen and Foshan were planned for the China's world mill positioning and domestic market were however not exceptional tested by the Dips.

Politically in 2012, the frequent invitations to forums, TVs, Radios were rather excited not only for appearance but a endurance and humiliation test as being a MCA and BN member.

Debating with oppositions  neither the hot-stuff topic nor the pleasant talk of Buddhism were the self pride as brave to face the angry Chinese crowd towards BN/MCA pra/post of 308.

Oppositions have had the absolute TIME advantage, to them is the 'riding' in the beginning but the development became 'hijacking' the global and home epidemic of "Change".

As Buddhist central path way of life, if  were asked for frank opinion, I would rather dissapointed with those who do not embrace real practice of Buddhism but just by the name and by the sake of religion Researcher and Leader roles sealed their shallowness in the real philosophy of life in front of the public eyes.  

Simply because the defiant ways are just like the soul hiding anonymous by the name and by the way of democracy and civil rights dare themselves only after abolishment of ISA. 

Oppositions YBs do not need to work to serve, to care about the Bandar Tun Razak fish bone electric pylon by pushing rakyat around to blind folded people anger.

The low command of Pelat Bahasa Malaysia of the Chinese NGOs leaders need more realization and improvement to commensurate the national language.

Of course, the civil right and accumulated grievances towards corruptions of some BN Leaders are the factual that could not be denied and in-tolerated.  But, corruption cannot be varied by  mega con to little cheat, both are evil !  Pakatan Rakyat (PR) is not endowed with any privilege for small cheat of jacket to mega land swap deal clinching whatsover.  

Time tubing more about the Europe mid century history with the revisit and fresh patronage to the White earth in end 2012 vis-a-vis the propaganda of secular and Islamic state at home.

Roman Catholic State or any kind of propagating of Islamic State was the real past and muddled and the greed-led capitalism even like rare earth and weapons project elongated by democracy by the White modern economic colonization  is being unmasked now !  

Sabah, the 2012 year end family retreat aspired Malaysia home treasure in tourism, mountain, sea, sea treasures and more.  The only thing to be improved is the management and marketing  and tell more stories like Taiwan tourism does.

TIME 2013 herald a brand new age after man survived from Mayan's 2012 prophecy, man should pronounce our preparedness to stifle the earth environment threat, regulate over-dorsed of antibiotic towards human bodies and livestock like chickens, pigs which also ended up in human digest system.

The Sandy Typhoon rescued over- promised Obama's Change campaign to prolong the half-white presidential seat is hoped to leap over and on to widen earth from the current financial cliff. 

The doom of EU for next is rise from bottom hope to ease the political and economy paralysis impacted the world.

Hope to have Malaysia middle path, transparency,clean victory in the coming election erasing any kind of racial, religious and little Napolean phenomenal. Of course, the fallacy of multiracial government caused by over zealous of minority as king maker may worries the realization of single race and religion prophecy.  The flux of billion of money outflow is signalling the observation of high intelligence towards the foresight of worse power struggling ahead by the close margin result.

PM Najib has been portraying nation leader and urge UMNO has to be more inclusive by progress and MCA should play more the role as rank at par to decide upon and audit the BN work in progress.

What MCA should do when Chinese population coming from 23% to 15% to 5% and what will be the constitutional and public administration treatment by the law maker and public administrator tilted to a major race base towards a much smaller ethnic group ?

And, look in-depth of the overdosed pig of antibiotic is the responsibility of MCA, of course if still in the office, otherwise DAP will have to shoulder this issue.

Young economic student in London ever expressed, there is a theory of 3rd dip .....wau !

Of course, we hope not so. 

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