Thursday, May 21, 2009

BN Youth 2760

Refer to the appointment as BN Youth Strategist, thanks to YB KJ and YB Datuk Wee Ka Siong. But, it caught me in surprise on May 18 late nite after confirmed by Datuk Wee about this great matter of the BN.

It is virtually a big job to do and this bureau is first of its kind in BN Youth organisational structure without any reference of job scope.

Anywhere, I am looking forward to meet up YB KJ and the rest of the members to discuss and plan for the job scope.

Strategy cannot not be designed overnite and without knowing the objective and identifying the root cause of recent BN challenge. Thus, we need to sit around to brainstorm and run around on the field to collect views.

But what I can say at this moment ;

1. We may know the problems; We may not know the problems; or We choose not to know the problems;

2. In order to revive BN, we need 3 basic elements - "Sincerity, Sincerity, Sincerity";

3. In the multiracial society and with 1Malysia concept, we need 3Mores & 1Less :

More Interaction
More Understanding
More Actions Which Benefits Rakyat

Less Extreme Statement Of Racism

4. Re-Educate, Supervise, Rectify Of Mis-Management of Public Administration all these years

5. Formation of strategy need not rocket science skill and tools, I suggest " Back To Basic" :

a. Problem Solving Skill - Identifying of Problems , Causes To Problems, Action Plan for Resolution, Implementation

b. SWOT - to know BN Youth ourselves and external factors

6. BN Youth will work with and suggest to use the facilities of the 5 state secretariats which will be formed by BN Coordinator Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek

Neil Foo

"Khairy said BN Youth had also agreed to set up a BN Youth secretariat to coordinate all BN Youth activities."We will provide sufficient staff to ensure the secretariat can provide coordination for all BN Youth component wings," he said.

At the meeting, Khairy also announced the appointment of Datuk Razali Ibrahim as the BN Youth deputy chairman and Datuk Muzabil Abdul Rahman as BN Youth secretary and treasurer.Also announced was the setting up of a new committee called the BN Youth Strategic Committee to be headed by Neil Foo of MCA Youth."

-- BERNAMA 19 May 2009 1.37am

Beliau berkata demikian kepada pemberita selepas mempengerusikan Mesyuarat Pemuda BN kali pertama selepas menjadi Ketua Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO Malaysia di sini semalam.

Tambah Khairy, pihaknya tidak menolak kemungkinan mengadakan pertemuan dan perbincangan bersama JPA jika keadaan memerlukan.

Katanya, mesyuarat pada malam tersebut juga menyokong penuh gagasan Satu Malaysia, rakyat didahulukan, prestasi diutamakan.

Sementara itu, Khairy berkata, Pemuda BN akan membuat ketetapan untuk mengeluarkan kenyataan bersama dalam sesuatu isu penting, bukannya secara sendiri mengikut parti komponen tertentu sahaja.

Tambahnya, mesyuarat malam ini juga telah bersetuju melantik Neil Foo, wakil MCA sebagai Ketua Strategi Pemuda BN.

Katanya, ia bagi mengukuhkan strategi Pemuda untuk menghadapi pilihan raya umum yang akan datang secara tetap dan berkala dan bukannya hanya ketika menjelang pilihan raya

2009-05-19 11:03













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