Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Muzium Negara

A look at history: Dr Wee visiting Muzium Negara yesterday. With him are MCA Youth secretary-general Datuk Chai Kim Sen (left), MCA Youth education bureau chairman Chong Sin Woon (second from left) and Foo Seck Chyn, head of strategic planning research bureau of the Youth wing.

2009-04-28 07:25
(吉隆坡)馬青總團長拿督魏家祥批評國家博物院所呈現的只是片面的歷史資料,不夠全面反映應3大種族爭取國家獨立的歷史。 ...
更多新聞: 星洲日報

Wee: MCA Youth to show how all races worked to achieve independence (The Star 29.4.09)
KUALA LUMPUR: MCA Youth wants to help boost the collection in Muzium Negara which shows how the three races had worked towards the country’s independence.
Youth chief Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong, who made an impromptu visit to the museum yesterday, found that the historical records of the races working together to negotiate independence with the British were only stated in “one or two lines”.

Thus, he said that MCA Youth, on its part, wanted to submit materials, including photographs, to the Information, Communications and Cul­ture Ministry as evidence of the Chinese role.
“For example, I know of a picture which shows the late Chinese educationist Datuk Sim Mow Yu looking excited over the announcement of the new nation,” he said.
Dr Wee, who is Deputy Education Minister, said the historical records of the three races working together to gain the country’s independence were essential for the younger generation.
“It would show how the races were united back then; it was just like the 1Malaysia concept being promoted by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak now,” he said.
Dr Wee said MCA Youth would submit the materials, which came partly from two books published by the wing, to the ministry in two weeks’ time.
“We want to uphold the concept of 1Malaysia by showing the young generation the history of the country so that they can understand the difficult path to independence,” he said.
He proposed that the museum form a consultative committee comprising all races to provide materials to the museum.
Although the museum may have space constraints to display historical records, Dr Wee said such items must be comprehensive and needed to be presented to educate the young.
He also suggested the museum offer additional languages like Ara­bic, Japanese and Chinese for foreign visitors, besides Bahasa Malaysia and English.
“Not every tourist is able to understand English,” he said, adding that the additional language may even help the museum increase its revenue and foreign tourists to understand the country’s history.

1. History shall be prevailed ! Malay-Chinese-Indian were the one jointly fought for the independent of the country with peace. The muzium only mentioned the foundation of MCA and MIC but do not mention of the independent contribution.

2. The size and containts of the muzium was rather the same compare to the past. It should sizeable enough to grow with the history of Malaysia after 50 odd years of independent.

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