Tuesday, April 30, 2013

TV1 "Bicara Rakyat - Laporan Kad PM"

Ringkasan :

1. SMI tiada laporan kad sendiri, padahal KPI adalah kad laporan sebagai perhitungan ikhlas sendiri,

2. Sustainabaliti - Kekekalan daya saing jangkamasa panjang dengan Model Pentadbiran dan ekonomi Baru,

3.Keamanan negara sebagai asas keyakinan pelaburan asing (FDI) seperti Indonesia beberapa tahun ini

Sunday, April 28, 2013

NST 29.4.2013 - 1st Time Young Candidates

POSITIVE CHANGE: Strategist Neil Foo is confident that young BN candidates who are contesting for the first time will rake in a lot of votes

KUALA LUMPUR: WITH nearly 80 per cent first-timers contesting as candidates under the Barisan Nasional banner in the coming general election, BN Youth chief strategist Neil Foo Seck Chyn admits there's a calculated risk in fielding them, but overall, he is confident of a positive outcome.
In MCA Youth, where 12 of their candidates are contesting, more than 50 per cent are first-timers.
Foo, who is also MCA Youth strategic planning bureau chief, speaks to Streets about how fresh candidates will help BN secure the desired results.
Question: What exactly is BN Youth's strategy?
Answer: We have looked at the numbers, 23 per cent of the total electorate are first-time voters, and of this, 42 per cent are aged 40 and below while 18 per cent are below 30 years of age.
Young candidates are able to engage young voters. They are also able to identify the wants and needs and come up with creative ideas to meet these needs.
The mood is also for change and we are giving our young voters just that.
Question: Young candidates come without experience. Is there a potential risk in fielding them?
Answer: New candidates start on a clean slate, there are no past records to refer to.
But yes, there is a calculated risk. For instance, in Bandar Tun Razak where first-timer Tan Kok Eng is facing Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, who is Selangor menteri besar and who was a prominent corporate figure at one time.
But if our new candidate has got good values and strategy, he can put up a good fight. And we have been doing the ground work in Bandar Tun Razak. MCA has two service centres that have been in full operation even though we lost the seat in 2008.
Question: What do young voters look for in a candidate?
Answer: Young voters, typically Gen Y, are less interested in the party a candidate represents, but who would look at the candidate as an individual and gauge what he or she has to offer, in terms of ideas and effectiveness as a wakil rakyat. Which is why the candidate has to have a good command of the mainstream languages so that they can connect with all voters. Apart from written and spoken skills, they must also be able to communicate effectively using the new media lingo.
And young voters are bound to be inspired by young candidates, especially when they realise that these are their peers who have offered themselves to be leaders of their community.
Question: You mentioned young voters are not too particular about which party the candidate represents. If this is so, is MCA willing to take a back seat as a party?
Answer: Yes, we are ready to take a back seat and play a supporting role. We are ready to change and rebrand the party, and this will eventually mean being rejuvenated by young energy.
Question: How do you think these new faces will fare in the coming elections?
Answer: I'm certain of a positive outcome. In areas where there is a good racial mix, we stand a good chance of winning. In areas where a single race predominates such as Cheras, Bukit Bintang and Seputeh, in the past we have not really won, but we will try to reduce the margin.
Question: What exactly are young voters concerned about?
Answer: We found through the BN Youth lab study that young people are most concerned about their income where they find it hard to maintain a reasonable lifestyle. They want to get out of the middle-income trap and earn more.
They are also concerned about the crime rate and safety issues. Another major concern is the integrity and corruption level in the country.
Question: How are their concerns being addressed?
Answer: There is a lot the government has put in place already such as the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) and the Govern ment Transformation Programme (GTP). To fulfil the housing needs of first-time house buyers, there is the 1Malaysia Public Housing scheme.
Question: What is the role of the new media in trying to get the support of Gen Y voters?
Answer: We have been using the new media, from blogs to Twitter to Instagram and Youtube, but the Opposition parties have been using these media before us to reach out to voters.
We were lagging behind but we are catching up. Since the 2008 elections, we have also taken to the new media in a big way to explain government policies in simple language.

Read more: Striking a chord with their peers - Central - New Straits Times 

Friday, April 26, 2013

Tiang Kerja Siapa ? MB 'K' @ MP'K' ?卡先生的杰作?

Tolak Tulang

KUALA LUMPUR 20 Dis. - Penduduk Taman Connought di sini mahu Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) memberi penjelasan tentang keputusan untuk menyambung semula projek menara kabel elektrik voltan tinggi yang dibina terlalu hampir dengan kawasan kediaman dan komersial di situ.
Setiausaha MCA Bandar Tun Razak, Neil Foo berkata, penjelasan menyeluruh itu penting bagi mengelakkan penduduk terus dihantui kebimbangan terhadap ancaman kesihatan dan keselamatan mereka.

Menurutnya, ini kerana terdapat banyak dakwaan yang menyatakan bahawa frekuensi elektromagnetik (EMF) dari kabel voltan tinggi boleh meningkatkan risiko kesihatan manusia dalam jangka panjang.

"MCA Bandar Tun Razak bersama-sama penduduk akan mengadakan kempen menolak projek itu dengan mengumpulkan tandatangan penduduk, pekedai serta pengunjung pasar malam di situ," katanya pada sidang media di sini hari ini.

Sementara itu, di Shah Alam, kira-kira 100 penduduk Taman Cheras Hartamas dan Taman Bukit Segar Jaya 2 dan 3, Cheras berhimpun di hadapan bangunan Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah di sini bagi membantah pembinaan menara pencawang masuk utama (PMU) di kawasan mereka.

Mereka turut menyerahkan surat undangan kepada Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim untuk menghadiri pertemuan antara penduduk dengan TNB dan Ikram Sdn. Bhd. pada 26 Disember ini bagi membincangkan mengenai projek tersebut.

Penduduk turut mengutuk Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Teratai, Janice Lee daripada DAP kerana gagal menyelesaikan masalah itu walaupun masalah itu sudah diadukan kepadanya sejak 2008.

Pengerusi Persatuan Penduduk Taman Bukit Segar Jaya 2 & 3, Datuk Dr. Eadon Ching berkata, penduduk kesal kerana wakil rakyat itu tidak menunaikan janji untuk membawa masalah itu ke pengetahuan Abdul Khalid.

"Akibatnya, Majlis Tindakan Ekonomi Selangor (MTES) telah memberi kebenaran kepada TNB untuk menyambung semula projek tersebut mulai Januari ini," katanya kepada pemberita di sini hari ini.

Beliau mengugut akan membawa 10,000 penduduk mengadakan demontrasi sekiranya Abdul Khalid atau wakilnya tidak hadir pada pertemuan 26 Disember itu.
PMU itu adalah sebahagian daripada projek menara kabel voltan tinggi yang mendapat bantahan daripada penduduk dan peniaga Taman Connought.

Projek yang bernilai RM91 juta itu bertujuan mengukuhkan sistem bekalan elektrik di sekitar kawasan Cheras dan Balakong yang telah mencapai tahap kritikal untuk menampung keperluan 400,000 pengguna.

RESIDENTS of Bandar Tun Razak want Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) to brief them on the consequences of its Cheras Mahkota High Ten-sion Cable Network project.
The project that started in 2008 saw a line of transmission cable pylons erected at neighbourhood and commercial areas from Taman Connaught to Bandar Mahkota Cheras.

However, work on erecting the pylons stopped due to objections from residents who said it brought no benefits to the people living in the affected areas.
News that the project, approved by the Selangor government, will continue next year has made the residents unhappy.

Bandar Tun Razak MCA divisional secretary Neil Foo said TNB had not briefed the residents on the project which could pose a health hazard.

“We want TNB to publicly announce the consequences and effects from the project to the people living and doing business around it,” he said at a press conference.

Foo claimed the project was set up to benefit people who lived in other parts of Selangor and not the residents living around the areas where the pylons were erected.

“Bandar Tun Razak is just a bypass for the transmission cables that serve other parts of Selangor,” he said, adding that the company should build an underground cable network and not 42m-high pylons that could pose a danger to residents.

“The residents here oppose the project and we are organising a campaign called Tolak Projek Kabel Raksasa TNB Connaught or “Say No to Fishbone Connaught”.

“The Residents’ Associations (RA) will go to the affected neighbourhoods, shoplots and night markets to collect signatures of residents and patrons for a petition opposing the project,” he said.

He said the residents could also go to the campaign’s Facebook account to show their support.
“We will then pass the residents’ signatures to Bandar Tun Razak MP Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim for further action,” he said.

Apart from sticking out like a sore thumb, some of the pylons in Taman Connaught were pasted with advertisements

符策勤:呼吁停止栽赃嫁祸,愚昧政治伎俩,民联拿出诚意解决问题On December 23, 2011, in 马青前线



“蕉赖皇冠城高压电缆计划到底是在谁的批准下得以进行?雪州经济理事会难道没有经过深思熟虑,考量各方意见下就草率决定批准兴建? 还是他们完全没有自己的主见就仅根据国能片面之词就批准有关计划?”







2011年12月16日,国能(TNB)电流输送部副主席罗兹米宣布, 国能将在2012年1月重新启动经雪州经济行动理事会(MTES)于12月9日再次批准的9千万令吉的蕉赖皇冠城高压电缆计划,工程将在8月竣工。

此大电缆计划, 其实已在2008年年底由雪州政府批准,同年12月动工。

借吉隆坡康乐花园居民的说法 – “大电柱在一夜之间立起!”。



整个工程是要提供275kV/132kV的电源至雪州地区及冷岳滤水厂, 康乐花园只是借路过,无受益的情况下被征用土地。而且,巨柱建在康乐店屋前不到50米的近距离内, 搞得店户“出门见柱,举头见骨”的情况。


贵为决策单位的雪州经济行动理事会‘两度’批准了国能计划申请,后再征用雪州及吉隆坡的土地。若说吉隆坡市政局(DBKL)是中央政府直接管辖的, 哪么作为敦拉萨的国会议员的卡立就有义务,责任,平台,在国会反映康乐人民受近距离大电缆的困扰, 他有这么做吗?

若说国能也是中央政府相关公司, 她在2008及2011年两度向雪州政府申请电缆计划时,做为雪州大臣的卡立也是雪州经济行动理事会的领航人, 绝对拥有权力反映雪州人民受电缆的困扰,检讨甚至给予否决,他有这么做吗 ?

《反鱼骨!》反对康乐鱼骨大电缆运动”- 不是人民拒绝发展, 而是不要可能危害人民健康, 安全的设施, 暨不要低调,不寻民意,漏夜赶工立柱的偷偷摸摸工程。同时, 高架的大电柱 破坏雪州先进州,大吉隆坡先进城的市容。为何不在离开人群的地方立柱或 地底串缆呢 ?而选择‘灌顶’康乐店户?


Monday, April 22, 2013

New Faces Will Deliver

New faces will deliver, says BN Youth strategist

KUALA LUMPUR: Although many Barisan Nasional candidates are first-timers, they will put on a good showing in the 13th General Election.

BN Youth strategist Neil Foo  said while the high percentage of new faces fielded as candidates brought about calculated risks, he expressed confidence that they would win.
"I am cautiously optimistic about good results among our young candidates in areas of good racial mix. As for single-race centric areas such as Bukit Bintang, we are hoping to reduce the margin even if we don't win," he said.
Foo, analysing how the new candidates might fare in the coming polls, said that first-time voters made up about 25 per cent of the electorate and of this, over 40 per cent were aged 40 and below while 18 per cent were aged 30 and below.
Foo is hopeful that BN's new faces will be on the same frequency mode as these young voters.
He added that the advantage of having new faces was that there was no previous record to refer to.
"New candidates start on a clean slate. There is no past reference. It will now depend on how they can inspire and convince young voters."
He cited Bandar Tun Razak candidate Tan Kok Eng, who is contesting for the first time against Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, who is Selangor menteri besar.
"Going up against a big name could pose a risk, but if the young candidate has the right approach and values, he can put up a good fight."
Foo added that young voters were also more likely to look at the individual candidate as opposed to paying too much attention to the party he or she represented, and for these seats, MCA was adopting a mixed strategy.
"Young voters want change and they are going to look for this in their candidates. We at MCA, are ready to play a supportive role and offer our candidates the help they need using the whole BN machinery."
Foo said based on a research conducted by the BN Youth Lab, Malaysian youth were mostly concerned about cost of living, safety needs as well as levels of corruption and integrity in the country.
Foo said this was already being addressed through programmes such as the Government Transformation Programme, Economic Transformation Programme and the 1Malaysia Housing programme.
Interviewed by NST's Jeniffer Gomez on 20/4/2013 Sat

Monday, April 15, 2013



中国报評論 左眼右眼 人人咖啡店 27 Sep 2012 15:30






















Saturday, April 13, 2013

GE13 -Online Campaigns Get Nasty

"MCA Youth New Media bureau head Neil Foo agreed that it was not a healthy trend for both sides to have a go at each other in an unruly manner.

He said he always reminded the MCA cyber warriors and supporters to be polite, argue based on facts and not be too emotional.

He admitted that there are some who got carried away when egged on by other cyber troopers.

“I'll ask them to watch the words they use. There should not be any vulgarity or personal attacks. They should stick to the facts,” he said."

Online campaigning has turned nasty. As the May 5 polling day approaches, it is expected to become uglier still with thousands of cybertroopers from Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat slugging it out while wooing voters.

PETALING JAYA: Online campaigning has gone nasty in the run-up to the May 5 general election with cyber troopers from both sides of the political divide going beyond mudslinging at times.

The fight tends to get ugly with vulgar words used freely, sometimes crossing the boundary of racial and religious sensitivity as rival cyber troopers vie to influence public perception.

Both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat have accused each other of paying cyber troopers to attack their opponents on social networks.

One example which a non-governmental organisation complained about was the case of pro-opposition cyber troopers uploading a photograph of a woman online last month accompanied by harsh and vulgar comments.

The woman, who is a committee member of the Malaysian Youth Rights Movement, was also threatened with gangrape and murder over her stand on some issues.

Deputy Higher Education Minister Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah condemned the strategies being employed by cyber troopers, saying “they put too much focus on attack”.

“In the long run, these strategies won't work. The people will start reading these comments and say you are insulting my intelligence',” said Saifuddin.

Outgoing Jelutong MP Jeff Ooi denies that there are cyber troopers on his party's payroll, and called for politicians to make a stand against the current tactics employed by cyber activists.

“We (politicians) should not be seen to be condoning abusive commentaries. We have to call a spade a spade. If it were to come from my party, we would have to put them under restraint,” said Ooi.
Supt Ahmad Noordin Ismail from the cyber crime department of the police's Commercial Crime Unit said nabbing cyber troopers and cyber bullies can be complicated due to a lack of evidence.

“People can make these comments and remove them easily,” he said.

Digital News Asia executive editor A. Asohan said he expected the mud-slinging, and warned that things would get worse as polling day nears.

“The real dirty play will come from the Internet. You will see a lot of accusations flying back and forth while paid bloggers will go on the warpath,” he added.

However, he believed people are smarter these days and would not be easily taken in by what was being posted on Websites.

MCA Youth New Media bureau head Neil Foo agreed that it was not a healthy trend for both sides to have a go at each other in an unruly manner.

He said he always reminded the MCA cyber warriors and supporters to be polite, argue based on facts and not be too emotional.

He admitted that there are some who got carried away when egged on by other cyber troopers.
“I'll ask them to watch the words they use. There should not be any vulgarity or personal attacks. They should stick to the facts,” he said.

Action can be taken against people who post offensive comments online, Kuala Lumpur Bar IT committee chairman Foong Cheng Leong said.

Under Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act, those found guilty of harassing or being offensive online can be fined a maximum of RM50,000 or jailed up to a year or both, he noted.
The same clause also provides that a further fine of RM1,000 can be levied daily during which the offence is continued after conviction.

Foong strongly felt that “while people are free to express their opinions, they should not defame or attack others maliciously”.

Universiti Sains Malaysia psychologist Dr Geshina Ayu Mat Saat said cyber bullies, who preyed on their victims often perceived they had the right to bully.

“They have this sense of entitlement, whereby their way is the best and people should follow them. Their perception is also very lopsided based on their own personal experience and expectations,” she said yesterday.

Dr Geshina Ayu said these bullies were more daring online as they felt that they could get away with it.
“But they failed to realise they are bound by the law, even online,” she said.

Useless Kedah 无能吉打

“The videos are real. The Chinese in Kedah feel oppressed and given a chance, will vote PAS out,” said Chong.

KUALA LUMPUR: Life has been tough for non-Muslims under the PAS-led Kedah Government, according to two 30-second videos released by MCA Youth.

They show the state's Chinese voters venting their frustration at the state government's policies, which they perceive as unfair.

They include the 50% bumiputra housing quota, guidelines forbidding women from performing on stage during Chinese New Year and non-renewal of entertainment licences during Ramadan.

Other grouses include non-Muslim businesses forced to stop operations during Muslim prayer times and enforcing gender segregation during New Year countdown concerts.

Kedahans also complained about the lack of development, corruption and unfulfilled promises in the five years Pakatan has run the state.

Both videos have been uploaded on http://www.youtube.com/mcahq.

MCA Youth education bureau chief Chong Sin Woon said that despite assurances from DAP, PAS policies had affected non-Muslims.
“I urge non-Muslims to look at the policies implemented by the state government over the last five years.

Chong showing
one of the
videos on his
With him is the
wing’s Strategic
Research Bureau
chief Neil Foo
Seck Chyn.
Genuine complaints: Chong showing one of the videos on his smartphone. With him is the wing’s Strategic Planning Research Bureau chief Neil Foo Seck Chyn.

“This is what will happen if they were to take over the Federal Government,” he said at a press conference.

He said more videos on other Pakatan Rakyat-governed states would be released soon.

國內2013-04-09 16:42

  • 張盛聞(右二)指出,馬華還會推出其他大選短片,右為符策勤,左起為梁衍輝、鄭芷薇和鄭慧玲。(圖:星洲日報)



















    ● 50%土著房屋固打制

    ● 2009年拆除太子路過港唯一屠豬場,重建計劃至今沒有下文。

    ● 元旦倒數演唱會,男女被要求分開坐。

    ● 強制華裔小販,齋戒月下午3時才能營業。

    ● 夜市穆斯林祈禱時間需要熄燈。

    ● 借貸高達3億3千萬令吉興建英莎妮雅伊斯蘭大學學院(KUIN)後陷入財困,拖欠教職員薪水和津貼。

    ● 伊斯蘭黨在華玲大街上的燈柱安裝大揚聲器,非穆斯林也受到影響。

    ● 齋戒月不獲更新執照。

    ● 大型計劃沒招標:耗資5億令吉的阿曼中環廣場購物中心計劃。




    ● 新春娛樂指南禁止女藝人登台演出。
