CSU Old Boys who knew each others for 20 years gathered again for Mac Sung Yong Suk's wedding in Jakarta. What a gathering !
Amongst the group with Entreprenuers established themselves in their respective industry like owning 20 vessels, mine owner, IT..... Many of them not Top As student who used to skip class, party, figthing with Aussies....
A Malaccan Of Malaysia,
Trade Exe , V.P, M.D.
Not picky on food !
Written to industry magazine “FDM”; “Furniture and Panel Asia” ;Malaysia Chinese newspaper
Author to “A Different Chinese” book,
a. Chinese book - Yr2003
b. English book - Yr2007
c. You're Not Fired - Yr2009
Author to " You're not fired !" - 13.7.09
写作经验于亜洲木工业; 亜洲板材与家俱; 大马华文报刊。
于2003年著書〝左眼右眼看华人〞講述关於居住在九个不同國度里的华人. 经溶入当地國度, 海外华人拥有不同的特性, 思想, 价值观等等。此书也提起民族经济力量和倡议鄉团青年组织“以团带商,以商带团”的构思.
于2007年著書〝左眼右眼看华人- A DIFFERENT CHINESE(英文版)。
于13。7。2009 著“不被裁员”