Wednesday, March 25, 2009

KJ, The New Chief

Khairy Jamaluddin is new Youth chief
Mar 25, 09 1:35pm
Khairy Jamaluddin has snatched victory from the jaws of defeat by winning the much-coveted Umno Youth chief tonight.
Surprise, surprise, yet surprise......
Now, the UMNO Youth wing will much controversial by having the controversial man on the seat. MCA Youth will have much challenging job to do for the coming years. The kris issue will be continuing episods.
Vocal and full of drama to be seen soon in the coming years of Malaysia political arena!!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009


It is not surprise that Dr. Mahathir Mohammad will always say some explosive statement from time to time. This is Mahathir , a revolutionary leader and know how to manouvere the paradox between races in this country as well as condemn the west to get popularity amongst 3rd world countries.

Having said about 董教总 “Dong Jiao Zong" , the Chinese Education activies for being conservertive in letting the Chinese school children not to mingle around with other races is absolutely for Mukhriz's UMNO campaign.

I sugggest not ot be trapped into this old man conspiracy. The more Chinese react, the more credit potential of votes will be favourable to the candidate of UMNO Youth Chief post for Mukhriz !

Dr. Mahathir is waiting for Chiense to response and react, Mukhriz will support dad's view and even comment further about "Dong Jiao Zong", then the issue will be stirred to the max on polling date .......ha Mukhiz will pocket the votes.

Dr. Mahathir has been hurting all races feeling including Chinese during his office as Prime Minister. Pak Lah never do that...hope our Najib will be really all nation Prime Minister by not re-acting his extreme role during his day as youth chief in Umno.

Mahathir is the race fighter more than religion user in his political career.

"Melayu Senang Lupa" as his phrase once. Now, he is popping on Chinese again.

Tossing, Soothing is his tactic.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009



2009-03-15 10:44



Friday, March 13, 2009


见完总会长以后, 我们到对面的大同吃晚餐, 我建议了“三拼”助兴 - 烧肉, X 烧, 烧鸭 !



Tuesday, March 10, 2009

怪华人 !


(3月10日) 联邦直辖区马华新闻局主任符策勤抨击雪州发展局(PKNS)总经理奥斯曼奥马,勿随便怪罪于华人没法在公共领域占有一席之地的论述。




雪州发展局经理也说 :“只要有实力,华裔公仆有出头天。”那么,像雪州大臣曾因为委任华裔副总经理拿订巴杜卡刘秀梅出任雪州发展局总经理,而引起马来社会的强烈反弹,难道这是华人的错吗?







(3月10日)马华敦拉萨经济局, 马青敦拉萨区团于3月12日,星期四晚上8时正联合主办“国家振兴经济配套预算案研讨会”,地点为蕉赖联成花园社区服务中心会所。




Monday, March 9, 2009



主讲人:陈耀星博士, 符策勤先生

日期 :2009年3月12日,星期四, 晚上8时正

地点 :蕉赖联成花园社区服务中心会所

主办 : 马华敦拉萨区会经济局, 马青敦拉萨区团



(3月6日)联邦直辖区马华新闻局主任符策勤呼吁有志创业的华青应积极申请青体部提供的“2009年青年企业家指导计划”所拨出的300万零吉创业和业务扩充经费。根据此经费,每个青年可以申请3千零吉作为创业基金,而且完全无需偿还。 但是, 根据青体部副部长黄日升, 只有少数华裔申请。

青年在创业初期,无论任何创业数额都具重要的。同时,在创业的开始阶段,除了单枪匹马的个人的摸式,极大多数都是以兄弟合伙、朋友合伙、老同事合伙的方式组织公司。因此,如果以三人合伙的公司, 充分利用每人3千零吉无须偿还的基金,公司具可获得1万零吉的创业资金。所以,大马青年应该善用此福利。




Datuk Seri Nazri

We always have the impression over him about his "outstanding exchange of words" in parliament.

Look like Datuk Seri Nazri has really spoken his mind about the current political scenario. His interview with Star has given us another angle to understand him by listerning to his critical comment and his independent frank view.

听真话。。。Listern To Truth !

(From Star Online 8/3/09)

In a frank interview, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz,the minister in charge of law was interviewed by The Star :

A. How is money politics in the Umno elections this time around?

Q. It’s still quite rampant except that it has gone underground. That is the reason we hear a lot of things about the exchange of money but nothing comes out of it. The MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) is empowered to look into all complaints made by Umno members but, as mentioned by the MACC Chief Commissioner, though there were many complaints, what is clear is there is no strong evidence because, as I said, it has gone underground and people are not coming out to say it.................................

B. Why have you chosen to stay out of Umno elections this time?

Because I have been given the responsibility of tabling the MACC Bill and there is such a thing as integrity. How can I table this if I myself get involved in a contest in which I foresee there is going to be a lot of money politics?...........................

C. But you made the decision not to contest party polls even before Datuk Zaid Ibrahim resigned as de facto law minister.

I decided not to contest for many reasons. I have been in the Supreme Council for about 19 years. I first contested in 1990 and won. Don’t tell me 19 years later, I still want to compete for the same post with others who, during my first term in the Supreme Council in 1990, were still in school.

The same argument goes for the vice-presidency (veep). It would mean I am competing against my juniors –(Datuk) Zahid (Hamidi), (Datuk Seri) Hishammuddin Hussein, (Datuk) Shafie Apdal, (Datuk Seri) Khaled (Nordin) – these are all my juniors so I don’t want to compete with my juniors.

I am also a person who would go for the post only if I feel I am better than everyone else (contesting). When (Datuk Seri) Najib Tun Razak was Youth chief, I was his deputy so that’s also the reason I don’t go for veep. The post I would have gone for is deputy president. But I chose not to because I see in (Tan Sri) Muhyiddin Yassin someone who is more experienced than me, older than me and more senior than me.

I have been in the Cabinet for 10 years but he’s been there for 23 years. I look at his resume and credentials and feel that this man is much more qualified than I am so why should I go for the post? Muhyiddin is capable. If I still go for the post – despite Muhyiddin being better qualified – it means I am only interested in myself. But I am more concerned about the party. I want the party to be strong. Najib is now president-elect of Umno and Prime Minister-in-waiting and I want the deputy to be a man of experience who can give support to Najib and confidence to the general public and strengthen Umno. If people look at a Najib-Muhyiddin combination, they are confident. That’s what I want. It’s not about me. That’s why I didn’t go for the post.

There are two other candidates (Tan Sri Muhammad Muhammad Taib aka Mat Taib and Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam) standing for the deputy post and you did not even mention them?
First of all, I cannot support them, not for personal reasons but for real, practical reasons. The deputy Prime Minister will succeed the Prime Minister. We can’t discount the fact that anything can happen and if anything happens to the PM, the deputy PM will take over. For Ali (Rustam) and Mat Taib to take over, it is not possible and is unconstitutional because they are not even MPs.

For Mat Taib too, whatever you say he is still a junior minister. How does he command respect if he becomes Deputy Prime Minister? Not just with Umno but also the other Barisan cabinet ministers too! How can, for example, Datuk Bernard Dompok from a small component party in Sabah respect them?

But Muhyiddin has 23 years, so for practical reasons I can’t support the other two. I am a senior in Cabinet and these two are my juniors if they come to Cabinet. It’s not like I don’t like them personally or anything like that. It’s just for practical reasons.

The March 8 general election was an eye opener as Umno suffered from the loss of support. Why have Umno members not realised this and tried to bring the party back on track instead of engaging in money politics?

Because Umno members go into politics for self-gain and self-interest! They are assuming that the party will never lose!

They do not see what happened as a warning of what is to come in the future. They think the public has regretted their decision (to vote the Opposition) and Barisan will get back the support. They think it’s temporary and that elections are like a pendulum that will swing back in their favour, and that we win big in one election and we lose a bit in the next.

Of course they are wrong. We have to work and be people friendly. Umno members must go back to the days when Umno was people friendly.

Whatever you say, people will come to know straightaway. So you have to behave yourself. The public are more demanding now, and rightly so.

Another mistake Umno is making is telling the people they must be grateful for what the Barisan government has done for them. That is wrong.

It’s been a year since the March 8 general election. Has there been some effort to repair Umno in particular?

I think there’ll be a change when Najib takes over. Right now, we are still in denial. We all talk about how we have to change but it’s only talk. I have not seen any concrete effort.

Does this election make you more pessimistic?

If we don’t change. I don’t like the number 13 (13th general election ). The RAHMAN theory is coming to an end, isn’t it? We are coming to the last of the R-A-H-M-A-N Prime Ministers. After that we don’t know. We have to work hard.

As someone who is not contesting, what is your advice to the delegates?

Like Tun Musa (Hitam) said, my advice too is whatever you do, whom you vote, you must not think of just what Umno wants. You must think of what the rakyat wants and then vote. Umno equals the Government so it can’t be just electing a person based on what Umno wants. It must elect a person whom the general public wants and feels confident with.

Friday, March 6, 2009

What Else Can KL People Say About Flood ?

This KL flood happened on 3/3/09 at 5pm at PWTC MIFF ( Malaysia International Furniure Fair).

Everyone run to life from Hall 1 when the heavy downpoured started at 5pm. Cars floated at the lower level of car parks, Mercedes becomes Marine Merce, Hall 1 soaked into water like reservoir buried half of the furniture display .

Forgeiners witnessed this incident by not hesistating to take pictures, videos. Klang River just next to PWTC, take control with yellow muddy water.

Disaster or mankind fault or the continuous curse of millenium.......

What is SMART Tunnel doing ? This come to our first mind.

On 4/3/09, I saw exhibitors from Hall 1 who have all their exhibition kits attacked and destroyed by water, getting anxious and angry. They carried out very strong protest to the organizer by shouting " we want meeting"....meeting for compensation ....meeting for resolution.

1st time in the history of MIFF for at least more than 15 years. "What say you?"

When world recession hits the funiture badly.... the flood also join to create more hardship.



(3月6日)联邦直辖区马华新闻局主任符策勤呼吁有志创业的华青应积极申请青体部提供的“2009年青年企业家指导计划”所拨出的300万零吉创业和业务扩充经费。根据此经费,每个青年可以申请3千零吉作为创业基金,而且完全无需偿还。 但是, 根据青体部副部长黄日升, 只有少数华裔申请。

青年在创业初期,无论任何创业数额都具重要的。同时,在创业的开始阶段,除了单枪匹马的个人的摸式,极大多数都是以兄弟合伙、朋友合伙、老同事合伙的方式组织公司。因此,如果以三人合伙的公司, 充分利用每人3千零吉无须偿还的基金,公司具可获得1万零吉的创业资金。所以,大马青年应该善用此福利。




Wednesday, March 4, 2009


3-3-2009 马青政治局会议记者会(迷你财政预算案)



4/3/2009 630pm, 吴心一, 张圣文, 符策勤, 林星豪, 张汉量 在国会办公室正式呈上“马青青年拼经济方案”于副首相高级机要秘书。